Got Balls? This is a map that I created with Blackfire1236 Click here to download map "Got Balls?" Click here to download game "Golf Balls?" Includes: Giant ball box of energy shields where 4 golf balls fly around trying to kill/knock you off the map. You and the other people in the box will have gravity hammers and swords (which don't harm you, just move you) to try to push you off. If you're lucky you will fall into 1 of the 7 portals and will have a exotic death. 2-8 people. (16 would be crowded but still fun!) It's a very fun map, so please download and try! tell me how you like it!!! Comments?
I have one comment... This map thread is not up to ForgeHub standards. All map threads must have at least one embedded picture. You have none. You have twenty three hours, and 16 minutes until this thread is locked.
Hey mate, unlike some people *cough* ASC671 *cough* I'm here to help. As you've already been told you need at least 1 embeded pic on your map, otherwise no-one will see what it's like or want to download it, and this thread will be locked. The harsh truth of Fogehub is that nowadays most people only scroll down and look at the pictures before making an "informed" decision on what the map is like and give it a rating without actually playing it or reading the map's description, so pics are quite important, but I digress. I can see this is your first post, so here are two links which'll tell you how to embed your screenshots: there's the "old fashioned" photobucket way of doing it , or the new and (in my opinion) easier way with Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing how this map turns out, it sounds quite fun! Welcome to Forgehub!
Here, this might help: http:// The first part, regarding posted maps.
Ten hours. Here's a simplified version of the embedding pictures tutorial: Step 1 - Take pictures, maybe four or five, in theater mode. Step 2 - Go here. Halo Screen Shots and put your gamertag into the search bar. Step 3 - Look for the pictures you took, open them, and copy the
Seems like a pretty original game but it is almost too simple. Simple isn't bad, especially if executed well but it just seems like there isn't enough to this game. Keep up the forging though 3/5.
Thanks for the response. It's just a basic map i guess. I've ran out of ideas or they have been taken so I don't know. I'll come up with better ideas soon.