Sandbox Hillside

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Normandy115, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Normandy115

    Normandy115 Ancient
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    Hi, in my opinion this is one of my better maps. It's a crypt map, with the main idea of the map being a large hill inbetween two bases, with tunnels running through the hill. It's a symettrical map which supports/recomends the following gametypes:

    Recommended: Slayer, Team Slayer, Assault, CTF, Territories, KotH

    Supported, but not reccommended: SWAT, MLG, Swords, VIP, Infection, Snipers, Team Doubles.

    It supports all Gametypes, but some seem inappropriate.

    Weapon, Equipment and Vehicle List

    Weapons (Weapon / Spawn time / Number of spare clips)
    Sniper x2, 120 secs, 0 clips
    Rockets, 150 secs, 1 spare clip
    Shotgun, 90secs, 1 clip
    BR x6, 10 secs, 1 clip
    BR x4, 30 secs, 2 clips
    SMG x2, 90 secs, 2 clips
    Brute shot x2, 120 secs, 1 clip
    Carbine x2, 45 secs, 2 clips
    Plasma Rifle x2, 90 secs
    Plasma Grenade x8, 45 secs
    Equipment (Name / Spawn time)
    Power Drain, 150 secs
    Overshield, 180 secs
    Bubble Shield, 120 secs
    Regen 120 secs

    Vehicle (Name / Spawn Time)
    Mongoose x2, 90 secs

    I apoligise for some of the pictures, it's hard to get good overview screenshots in the crypt.


    Overview, Red side


    Overview, Blue side

    Inside base

    Red Hill minibase

    Hillside closeup


    And that's it really. Please leave comments, critisism, feedback or suggestions, because anything would help. Thanks a lot.

    Download : Halo 3 File Details
  2. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    first, nice map.
    I think it dont supports MLG when you on top of your map its just to much control. i think its perfect for KOTH, One Flag or Territories.An other point is the interlocking, when you interlock your objects it looks cleaner and the gameplay is better then. if you dont know how to interlock, merg ect. just check forging 101 out there you can find it out.
  3. Normandy115

    Normandy115 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. When i say supported, i mean that it can be played on, but i don't reccomend doing so, so like you say MLG could easily control the hill, so i don't reccomend playing that. Also, i have done a lot of difficult merging on this map. As you may be able to see, on the hill where i have run out of a certain block, i have merged walls/double walls in the air to recreate that block without affecting gameplay. Also, the whole upper floor of each base, as well as the tunnels, are merged quite a lot. I even geomerged one of the ramps to the central tube.
  4. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    Oh ok i didnt see that.
    it isnt easy to see the geo-merged object on the pics.
    i download it write now and test it with some friends.
    then i will give you feedback again.=)
    do some more maps.
    #4 F2P Game7ypes, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  5. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    From my perspective I am very interested in your map. You see in my mind I see this and picture a hillside from real life then editing my real life image in my mind and then this appears. Very well done and very well forged. You obviously must have took your time in crafting this map. Your map is very worthy of a 4.8/5 from me. Nothing is wrong however its just when I look at the weapon menu, it seems there is a lot. I may be wrong but that is just what I see. Great map though. Hope to see more!
    #5 TailsIce44, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  6. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    It seems like you spend a lot of time working on this map, and the layout looks pretty good. The weapon set is appropriate for a map like this, but I'm seeing a bit of a problem with the respawn times on the weapons and equipment. Virtually every weapon (Apart from the BRs, Carbines and grenades) has an excessively long spawn time, particularly considering the limited ammo provided with most of them. The equipment also seems to have absurdly long spawn times, with every piece clocking in at over 2 minutes. I'm not certain if this would acutally hurt gameplay, because I'm not going to be able to playtest until my 360 is back from repairs, but it seems like it might slow down gameplay just a bit. You know better than I do how the map plays, but you might want to consider either lowering some spawn times or increasing the amount of ammo that is in each spawn. 4.5/5.
  7. Normandy115

    Normandy115 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. It appears weapons are a slgith problem with some of you guys, and i have to agree with you, because trying to work out a decent weapon layout for this map was quite tedious. Although the weapon list seems large, it's probably because i tried to make the map as varied as possible in terms of weapons to create a diverse game, rather than jsut snipers, BRs and rocket launchers.
    In terms of weapon spawn times, i have to agree again. I didn't realise how long i had set some of the equipment respawn times to. I am probably changing Regen to 30 secs, Power drain to 45 secs, Sniper to one extra clip and rockets to 120 seconds. I had originally placed the sniper at 4 shots, because in the base, you can see on top of the hill, and if the team is starting to control it, you can use the sniper to try and get four kills to regain the hill. However, i see that chances are most people are unable to get four headshots, especially if it risks losing a lot of control, thus the increased ammunition. Also, i wanted the power drain to have a long respawn, as rolling it down a hill can get the majority of a team one-shot, especially if they just respawned. That's why i set it high, even if i did a little too high. The regen i decided was to spawn a little faster than the power drain to make it fair, and keeping with that idea, i've made it spawn 15 secs before the PD.
    I hope these amendments are satisfactory; I will be posting a remediated version of it soon.
  8. Darkest

    Darkest Ancient
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    Awesome forging dude. It looks like you spent a lot of time making this map. Overall this map is nice to play and nice to look at.
  9. Articonecro

    Articonecro Ancient
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    I love the layout of this map. Anyone that says you need to interlock more is out of their freaking minds. It's obvious that you've interlocked a great deal as is. (Don't tell anyone I said this, but most matchmaking maps on sandbox that are forged play great, look great, and have zero interlocking.)

    I can totally see a game of CTF on this map, and I'm loving the idea of it. Can't wait to try it out.

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