YouTube - HOSTED BETRAYAL :: Justified Betrayal :: By Eclippppppppse awsome clip post your opinions on wheather or not you think its justifyed
I always betray for the sniper because that is how I roll. It is totally justified. The noob shouldn't pick up the pro gun.
We'll im the complete opposite of scope in betrayal terms but i says no. You dont know if he (original guy with sniper) may have gotten those kills. Anyway thats immature to kill someone because you want something of theres.
wow you just totally took him down with that statement, but that makes sence if he thinks thats true but i dont agree with his statment
Oh wow... Anyway, this is actually quite a good series. Although you'll never take my sniper off me. Once I've got it, if you try and betray me I'll waste all the ammo so when I do die, you have nothing to use, Then I'll boot you. I usually also 'call' a weapon in the pre-game lobby. It sometimes works...
The problem is, is that EVEN relevant to the thread, saying that war is immature? If you want to say it then sure because countries are always worried about communism (different regions) or different opinions stressed between countries...? So ill come to your house right now to kill you because i want some cake in your fridge. You think that 'Justified' ? Again was any of that relevant to 'a Justified betrayal' ...?
For the people saying that his statement means he thinks most of the wars are immature... When the hell did he state that? Difference between war and a GAME is, well you can kinda tell...
That video makes me want to punch a baby, a 'betrayal' in all sense of the word does not conject with any action thereafter, therefore a 'justify' becomes irrelevant to said betrayal. The beginning action is what paints the picture here. We start off with an asshole betraying someone. The motive of their actions is irrelevant as well, as killing a teammate constitutes a right to boot, and is also subject to the betrayee's motive to access their assailan's rep screen and vote accordingly. The betrayee is given a choice if they want to boot them or not. The obvious choice would have been to boot, but since it seemd the betrayee was being controlled by a toddler, they weren't able to hit B fast enough, or quite possibly attempted to hit B and in turn hit X by mistake. Point being made, there is no justice for murder of same team. Actions thereafter are not allowed to sway the offence to better terms, for any reason.
you know i wasnt expecting many people to tkae the seriously i mean it was a good clip and funny becase yes whatever he betrayed somebody but then picked up an overkill i no you cant justify a betrayal, but besides that it was still pretty funny i mean if i had done that i would have found it fun
I actually do think that's justified, I don't betray for weapons unless the player has an extremely low amount of kills of if they're just being stupid, like running around in circles or hiding the whole game. O and I also betray weapon campers, they're annoying and it doesn't help the team at all in most cases
I don't think its justified at all. Personally, I hate it when people betray me for a weapon, especially right after I pick it up. That being said, people who suck with a sniper shouldn't pick up the sniper. I never pick up the sniper because I am pretty bad with a sniper.
I agree with most of the people on here. Betraying someone for a weapon is childish. Get over it, and go get your kills with a BR. Or do you really suck that much that you can't get a kill without a power weapon??
1. Get the **** off my Fudgie the Whale. 2. Was your capitalization of 'Justified' a pun of your name (Justin)?
well im assuming this person was fairly bad with it because it wasnt at the start of the game and he must have dont much so i still say its justifyied