Magnetic v2 By Cory021 This is Magnetic V2. It is a symmetrical Map that plays best with 4v4 or 4-6 player FFA. I took all the elements of the original Magnetic and remade it completely in about 4 days (I did not rush it at all). I started on a completely new canvas; I didn't just edit the original map. It also looks a lot nicer. Some of the changes are a larger central room to prevent camping and smoother walls. On the first Magnetic, I used blocks for walls and walls on the floor. On V2, The walls are actually walls and the blocks are used for the floor, the way it should be. I made sure to have no bumps in the floor whatsoever, and that it was completely inescapable. I interlocked almost every block on the ground so that no grenades would fall between the cracks and hit some poor fellow below (what are you doing down there? You should be playing Magnetic up here!!!). It also supports every gametype and plays very well with Team or FFA Slayer, CTF, and KoTH. The rooms look a lot nicer and are more unique instead of boxes like the original was. The weapons in Magnetic were barely changed. I added a Carbine at each base due to the map being slightly larger and removed the Maulers so that the sword would become more dominant in CQB. The Bubble Shield was also removed. Some of the Plasma Grenades were removed and some were changed to Frag grenades. Overall, the map plays extremely well and the weapons were carefully placed. Weapons list -BR-4 -AR-2 -Spiker-2 -SMG-2 -Carbine-2 -Plasma Pistol-2 -Magnum-2 -Energy Sword-1 Plasma Rifle-2 Flamethrower-1 Frag Grenade-6 Plasma Grenade-4 Regenerator-1 Here's the Pics Overview of Magnetic. Red Base Blue Base Center room with Regenerator Energy Sword Room with Sender Node Flamethrower room with Receiver Node (behind the Energy Shield). Same room from the side Balcony that goes into Sword Room. The gravity lift is purely for aesthetics Secret platforms that give you a strategical advantage. Actually they just kill you. Again, just for aesthetics. Odd view of the receiver node (kind of pointless, i know). Its impossible to hide in there though. Higher view of center room View from one balcony to the other over the Sword room. The mancannon shoots people who attempt to jump across. Use these ledges to get from one balcony to the other. Very important to control in CTF games. The fusion coils prevent people from camping up there every 90 seconds The gold columns are strategically placed to prevent shooting people right when the game starts As you can tell (maybe not), the map was designed for long range fights from different angles across the map, or CQB towards the middle of the map. Download it, play it, criticize it, and rate. You can download the map here
whats up with the center room floor? Great map , I'm in the planning process for a multi-level map myself. I like the actual structure of the map and it looks like it has multiple ways to get around. I'll have to D.L. and give it a run.
What do you mean? If you really don't know, I used the under side of the golf cups. Is something wrong with it?
needz moar interlox!!! Lol, jk. I like it, I really do. It seems you've really tried hard on this, and it turned out great. I love the Tin Cups and just the general layout, too. You could maybe straighten some things out a bit, because I can't stand that with my OCD and all. No biggie, thought.
Ha, same with me. If you see my maps, they're always as level as I can make it because I have an "OCD", as well. At least I know now I'm not alone. Anyway... I have a question. How do you put words/pictures of the weapons layout on your map screenshot? That would sure come in handy.
I downloaded my pictures onto using Once I uploaded my pics, I just edited words onto them. Them I used the URL they provided and got it onto Yeah, i did notice how it does kind of 'bend' towards the middle, but you can barely notice it when your actually inside the map. Thanks for the comments though.
It's the golf cups flipped over and merged together, creates a sort of a grassy lawn effect. But great map by the way, 4/5 because of the symmetricality isn't perfect.
beuatiful aesthetics all around all though i might forget sumtimes and jump on those towers and kill myself lol. but nice symertry and merging with little ledges for ninjaing people and if it has those im definately dling it gg