what makes a good Infection map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by shoootme, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. shoootme

    shoootme Ancient
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    i dont get much of a chance to play custom games but i always whatid to make a Infection map. so my question to the community is what do u think makes a good Infection map. is it a map wheree players are forest to run for as long as possible or is it wher the humans get a base and hold the line for 10 mins.
  2. sham93

    sham93 Ancient
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    If it doesn't include an amory, all the power weapons, lots of turrets, 1 hit kill zombiesand instead is a balanced, well thought out map, then it should be good.
  3. XarabianNinjaX

    XarabianNinjaX Ancient
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    panic rooms! as a last resort
  4. InventiveLizard

    InventiveLizard Ancient
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    It should not be were it is depressing for the zombies and makes them quit.
  5. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    You should make it balanced from the start of the game to the end. As more zombies are infected the humans should get something to match it off. That doesn't necessarily mean that a zombie can rush into a map and kill one person everytime. Remember to make spawn camping off because any noobs who play it will try to spawn camp at least once.

    I remade the grifball map to put the spawns up in the air. I got so sick of hearing people say "I'm going to go spawn camp."
  6. XarabianNinjaX

    XarabianNinjaX Ancient
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    im all against spawn killing but, its an ideal game aspect of grifball. so this is where i call you a monster for destroying my favorite minigame.
    I'm a noob. your moster for destroying my favorite minigame! My shoes have been stolen.

    Edit: wtf???? haha i swear to god i didnt type Im a noob or my shoes have been stolen
    haha thats so weird! is this like a prank?
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    A little of both really. Humans spawn in a base with weapons that NEVER respawn. Eventually, this forces them to get out of the base and explore for more ammo.

    Also, make sure that it is balanced. No games with zombies have Magnums and Humans have splazers and Rockets, or vice versa.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    a great example of Infection is Fbu's Traxus map. Check it out, its an excellent example of how to make a game good for both teams. Infected can easily get humans if they work together smartly, and vise versa. And the storyline is awesome.
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    nothing that i know of, i have NEVER played a decent infection map, everytime it has been one sided, i think this why bungie took it out of matchmaking
  10. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    it has to be fair to both sides so you can make it into a fort but not a very good one. try to avoid power rooms or even panic rooms if you can and try to give the feel of it being well defended when it actually isnt (otherwise human players start complainning).

    Another good tip is dont use teleporter or make a flying base as both allow camping and can cause humans to unfairly rack up the points.

    Te best ones Ive seen have been maze like maps where humans are trpped inside and zombies can come jumping over any wall to attack, its very fun and an adrenaline rush constantly as you cant let your gaurd down at all
  11. winRdie

    winRdie Ancient
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    not sure what the answer is but i 'm hoping that my arena style map is a good one for it need to test.
  12. Keegano

    Keegano Ancient
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    In my opinion, a for a good infection map you dont need a room packed withweapons and turrents etc. Also [i NO INSTANT KILL it makes it so cheap and especially if their is spawn camping. This is why i like Fat Kid its fair and its fun., But yes i hoped i helped you out send a FR if you need it tested if you make one.

  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    yea instant kill just killed all infection games for me, which is quite sad since i'm sure thaat there are some good ones out there
  14. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    If its an on the run map, try to fit in fear and claustrophobia, it brings out the real nature of the game. Also, I don't know how people would respawn to this, but a map where the humans have to meet up with each other seems pretty good, like have a maze stage, but the humans don't spawn together
  15. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    I like a zombie map where at the begginning to the very end, it is hard for the humans and they have to use teamwork to survive, but as time passes it gets harder for the zombies

    Much like my favorite zombies map: omega journey v3
  16. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    I like infection best when theres a theme, such as a siege or a police raid (some ideas?) :D I also think that zombies should have swords and either no health/shields or be invincible.
  17. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    all maps that involve a stach of respawning power weapond always turn boaring especially if its then one shot kills for zombies. having a place to hold out also for me is dull and I only play because pepl have invited me to play not because I wanted to. The game needs to be balanced and when making a map you need to make it entertaining for both Zombie and Humans. having either no or low respawn times for weapons are also key - no one likes to waste 10 minutes trying to kill one person with a unlimited fuel rod in one single alley way.
  18. spacemarine

    spacemarine Ancient
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    A good infection map should have balanced combatants first of all. Once you have that, give the humans a couple of fortified positions with good weapons that have no respawn, so the humans have to manage their ammo and make sure they have enough to get safely to the next fort without dieing, adding some strategy to the game. It is also nice to have a couple tricks around, like hidden shortcut tunnels that the humans can use, but may not be so nice if they make a wrong turn.
  19. shoootme

    shoootme Ancient
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    so in general the best maps are balanced this shod not need to be stated but there allot of unbalanced maps where its kill all zombies for 20 mins.
    cheaping the humans moving to a superior fort throw smaller 1s with no responing ammo is the considered good and tatickel.
    zombies shod not instant kill.... thowt that was the point but i will go with you guys on this 1

    there several things i need to also ask
    1. what is a good weapon for the humans to pick up i have decided that the humans start with pistols and have to find guns as they go.
    2. what wood you say if there was a zombie game/map that had the zombies with pistols and the humans with swords.
    3. if your team started a game in several different areas wood you stay at your area to allow a group to retreat before move out yourself. (gordofrog ider)

    thanks for the help so far got severl iders that will be shard when they are finished
  20. Kevin9878

    Kevin9878 Ancient
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    I like where Humans have a base, but they can also go free roam. My favorite maps for zombies are Sandtrap, and Valhalla. You have to make it so not one side is to powerful. I also like making the weapons only spawn once, so once you pick it up that is all you get for that weapon.

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