"zomg I look like a dinosaur, and i'm so unique and everyone LOVES ME, and generally players like me are way better!"
Complete originality. No-one else wears this combo in the world besides me. The amount of katanas out there is really annoying now. Every game of Living Dead I checked peoples player models. Once, of the 12 other players, 9 were wearing the katana.
At first I only wore the Katana to show I got 1000 points then I said screw it, it looks stupid and unoriginal when I saw like 100 people wearing it >_>
I usually play as elite too. I'm in love with the whole warrior society stuff, and of course the fact that they look like DINOSAURS. And since when has every elite played as ascetic? I thought that most people, like myself, think ascetic is hideous, and stick with flight. As an elite, I use flight head, commando left shoulder, assault right shoulder, and assault body. As a spartan, I usually use ODST head, CQB shoulders, and katana body. Original, I know.
All standard armour, green. Actually, I do not care about being individual, I just use the armor I think looks best.
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/PlayerModel.ashx?p1=0&p2=9&p3=6&p4=6&p5=7&p6=21&p7=16&p8=10 Mark V helmet Security Shoulders Katana body
Elites make me look like a little kid, so I never play as them, but theirs nothing against Elites. I have Security head and right shoulders. CQB left to show off mai sexy emblem and CQB body cuz it c4n haz roflnife. I think that ODST isn't a problem, because people are just excited about it's release. I think that Recon is overused and over hyped, because it is one of the ugliest and least interesting armors. The shoulders are cool, but the head is boring. People just want it because they can't have it.
So do I! :happy: I don't really like the Katana. I'll wear it occasionally, but the most important part of any Armor is the Helmet, and I think Security is the coolest looking one.
It's either Security or E.V.A.(I think that's the big round one), I like them over big glass panel things xD Best part about them: Throw two stickys where the eyes would be. Funny as hell xD