This thread is for the weird or cool things you saw in the Halo 3: ODST trailer(s), or articles you may have read. I put a lot of thought into mine. Did anyone else notice this in the Halo 3 ODST trailer? YouTube - Halo 3: ODST - Name Change Trailer (Game Trailer HD) The main character's trigger fingers (index, middle) on both hands, are exposed. It looks as if he is Caucasian, or Latin possibly, but that is not the point. Why would he have fingers exposed? Especially in the hostile environment of an drop pod. Temperatures in the drop pod are very hot, and in some cases, the human occupants inside suffer great pain, or perish when tolerances exceed the human limit. This would mean that his fingers would burn, and then heat would spread quickly throughout his body through the openings. In Halo 2 and 3, the ODSTs drop into battle with fully sealed body suits, no openings at all, so why does the main character have open glove fingers? However, I thought of some explanation. An unknown amount of time passed before the ODST exited his pod, so maybe he removed the glove fingers so he can shoot better, or feel more comfortable. Also, no where in the HEV article states that it has any life support systems. However, in the trailer, when the pod breaks open, a "pssh" sound is heard then the lid flies off (which is funny, because in Halo 2 and 3 the lids are just right next to the pods, not far away as if they flew away at high speeds), and that usually means something is pressurizing or depressurizing, which means the pod has life support systems. Or it is just creating pressure somehow to pop the lid. Yeah...that's my find. What are some of yours?
Well, He must have taken them off, or Bungies trying to make their characters look cooler. But ya I "kinda" have a feeling it's going to be mainly a night setting and I sure hope that bungie put,s night vision on. Like when he was checking out the brutes.
I sure hope there's an epic set of binoculars rather then the Spartan ones with like 2 features, where they say SOME red/green text on enemy/allie, the only good thing about the Spartan ones are they have distance/measurements.
Ya but not alot of people think about distance when playing a video game. (Regardless of Olympics 08). Ya the binoculars have to be epic. they just have to.
They were probably removed after landing. On another topic, I'm really looking forward to using silenced SMGs...
I like the way the superintendent uses a car's CCTV camera to get a better look at the ODST. Also, the ODST is a Spartan I.
See that face up at the top-right? That'd be the representation of the superintendent. The superintendent is the New Mombasa Urban Infrastructure A.I. http://
I've noticedd that as well, and I think he keeps his fingers like that, because he shoots with those fingers, and wearing gloves that cover them would reduce his efficiency.
He was in the drop pod for several hours. He was knocked off course and unprepared to be smashed through a building so he was probably unconcious for a lot of that time. When he woke, he realised that he was still in the pod and after several hours, nobody had come to get him. Something must be wrong. He prepared himself and his weapons and ejected the door, ready for whatever might be on the outside.
Or this is a special kind of pod, which would explain why it looks different in the gameplay trailer.
i think the gloves not having fingers is just for looks, and im really exsited about the new visor type things you get and the new weapon set. I'm curious as how the odst character will play without shields. this seems to be the bridge between COD and Halo to me.