My first post in ForgeHub! Let's see how it works out. I enjoyed making the first race track, and so I made another. This one is different, as it is actually 3D. (Tracks are floating everywhere.) And It's much longer, and more of a challenge. Once you know this map, it's very fun to play. Hope you guys enjoy it! Here is the Map. (Just use slayer as the gametype.) Devil's Knot A never ending mess of tangled roads and fatal curves. Take goosin' to the extreme! : Halo 3 File Details Here is a gallery of screens from the map. (It's called Devil's Knot due to it's difficulty and appearence. You'll see.) Here is the starting area. The rest are just misc. I worked extremely hard on this map. And it took a while.
Looks insanely long and fun, great job. That's quite a few save-quits. It looks very cheatable, but that's the only problem I see here. Well done, keep posting.
It's harder to cheat than it looks actually. You would have MUCH better luck just attempting the map than to cheat.
Is there an fx? I don't think you need it for a racetrack. But, I guess it would go with the name.5/5. Nice track.
The title of your post should consist of the name of the map only. And this is a roller coaster, not a racetrack. Racetracks are double wide and interlocked to make a much smoother track. The coaster does look nice even though I don't care for roller coaster. I'm bored though and feel like having a challenge. I'll see if I can do it.
Great feedback. I was also going to point out that the thread name needs major shortening. I however like this map a lot. It looks very challenging and what it lacks in interlocking it makes up in length. The killball area also looks very good, but do the grav lifts attempt to push you into the killball. Guess I'll have to play to find out....
Actually, falling into the killball is the very last thing you will have to worry about. Turning that corner is very hard. Impossible at full speed. The grav lifts simply make it possible. They aren't a nusence in any way. And roller coaster? It's a track. Not exactly one for racing, but whatever. also, it's not interlocked at all, but still perfectly smooth. I didn't need to interlock.
Well sorry to tell you this but interlocking is sort of an essential in a racetrack (I don't believe in interlocking as a necessity in most type of maps, but in this case, it is). Plus racetracks, like AceOfSpades0707 stated above, NEED to be double wide. How else will people get in front of the guy in front of them? This track doesn't have enough room to be a racing map, nor is it smooth enough for it to be easy to ride on. To add on to that, this is VERY cheatable. That is a no no in racing maps. Also, where is the finish line? Unless this is just a map to mess around with your friends, there needs to be an uncheatable finish line as well for it to qualify as a racetrack. Sorry, not to sound too harsh, but this has WAY too many flaws for my taste.
FINE GOD IT'S A ROLLER COASTER!!!!!! HAPPY ACE? This map is strictly NOT for racing with your friends on. It's best to do it by yourself. It's NOT supposed to be insanely easy and insanely bland like many other race tracks! It's supposed to be intense and hard! NOT a slow boring track that is impossible to fail on. NO I DIDN'T need to interlock because it's perfectly smooth how it is! If you fall on this map, it's NOT because the roads were bumpy, it's because the turn was too hard to make. THIS IS NOT FOR COMPETITIVE RACING. THAT IS WHY THE MONGOOSES ALL START AT DIFFERNT PLACES. THERE IS NO NEED FOR A FINISH LINE. Slow, interlocked, and easy maps are not the ONLY kind of race track possible to make. Have you played quantum? That's the style I was going for. Guess what, OBVIOUSLY these kind of maps are great, because quantum is on favorites. And I ALSO got 113 downloads on this map in a week. WITHOUT making a youtube video.