Tremor Blast > Tremors Like, 10 times > That means greater than, for all of you who aren't that great at math. Anyways, sweet game. I love it. I suck at being a Tremor, but during one of those rare times that I splatter someone, it's a "blast". And being a mouse is exhilarating.
This map and Gametype is amazing. Some of the best times I've had playing Halo in a while. Nothing better than getting 10 or 12 people together and just having a good time with some tremor blast, I mean seriously.. Who doesn't have fun playing this game? Have a bad day at work? Run over some peeps with your beast of a Chopper, Feeling a little sneaky? Try stealing the flag and sprinting back to your base without becoming the newest hood ornament of that pesky Chopper. Good times, Good times indeed.
This is, quite possibly the best Minigame ever. Seriously. Thanks so much for this, Creep. I see spinoffs galore coming our way...
Thanks Cosmic, coming from you those words are a huge compliment. And yes, spinoffs and alternate maps have already been put into motion lol.
I think it must of tooken a while, but I'm not personally a true fan of really empty maps. I think you should work on it some more.
Thank you for not downloading and playing. Next time download, play, then make suggestions. Kthnxbai.
This is certainly the best remake of Tremors in Halo 3, and I love the mixture of Tremors and Cat & Mice. This is one of the maps which is truly excellent for its purpose. Very well done on the map, and on the feature.