Wow that is truly awesome. love the poser love the contrail streaks in the back the stars in the back and the nightime feel pro-pic 5/5
Wow this is so sick. I love the background because it actually looks like it is deserted. I think the theme is sweet. I love the ODST's pose it is so dramatic. And Overall the name and everything is so cool. Overall you did great.
I really like htis pic actually. Very good idea. The onyl rpoblem is the title; It's "Feet First Into Hell".
Yeah, I was about to say that but Fish beat me to it... Other than the slogan fail, the picture is AMAZING! This could easily make it onto Bungie Favorites, with some inside help. I'd suggest using different shoulders, as these seem strange to find on an ODST soldier, but that's a recommendation, so I'm still giving you a full 5/5! Keep up the good work man!
Your defiantly captain awesome nao. Epic set-up. I would space the pods out more, and neaten up the scenery.
I Got the slogan "Jump Feet First Into Hell" - Motto of the 105th Orbital Drop Shock Trooper Division (aka - 105th ODST Division) But I Changed it to Feet First
That is one of the sickest screenies ive ever seen. The streaks in the background are amazing, the effects are perfect, and the scenery is great. You got my dl for sure. Keep it up man.
Amasing picture! how'd you make that many missiles??? i like the shading that sets the mood (or what ever word you choose) of the picture. i hope to see more from you.
I'm assuming those "pods" in the background are Rockets, right? How has nobody figured that out? DUH. Anywho, nice pic. Very creative. The Juicy filter was a good choice.