First and third were the best in my opinion. They seem more smooth and worked seemlessly with the environment it as taken in. The others seemed as though you tried to hard and just went for a cool effect rather than a cool effect, a nice pose with an excellent camera position.
The first three arent so good as they are overly obscured. You had a good effect going in the first one but the overcontrasted parts sort of ruin it. This has to be my favorite of the rest:
Pretty good for first timers. The last few have way overbright visors,some people like it , not much for me
This one is my favorite but the light on his helmet ruins the screenshot. But I really like the details. Good job if its your first screenshot.
I really like the first three. The other ones are good, but I dont like how the effects are pretty much all the same. Great job for your first screenies though.
Two words: too bright. (except the b/w pics) Look at the helmet, and you see what I mean. Try to get a bit more contrast/ A bit darker Spartan.