YouTube - Project Natal for Xbox 360 HD! YouTube - E3 2009 - Project Natal - Milo Demo with Peter Molyneux 720p HD Milo What he said.
They're gonna make 360 more family style? Nooooooooooo. No controller? Hahahah 360 ownz teh Wii now. The acting is bad XD
they wont completly take away the controler used games because you cant play all games interectivly, because i know that bearly anybody would want to play halo 3 like this no only certain games will be on this interectivething
actually alot noeeds to stay the same you knwo how alot of people find the wii childish i mean i sortof agree but you can have fun every now and then but its not designed for the games i like so i dont think i would enjoy this but im interested tos see how it turns out
if you think this looks dumb, you your self are dumb. there is tons and tons of days put into this. i liked the part in where the lady draws the fish and the boy takes it from her. BTW this is the first step into VR games.
It's not. Several Journalists have gotten the chance, and it works. Adam Sessler from X-Play said he told Milo a joke, and the kid actually kinda laughed (and no, it wasn't a scripted joke. He actually told a joke from the top of his head). Natal picked up on Sessler's delivery and Milo acted accordingly (however, did not break out into laughter because he had just met Sessler). So no, not scripted (I mean, every game is scripted, but not what I think you were talking about).