Sandbox SandTowers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Odin12345, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Odin12345

    Odin12345 Ancient
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    SandTowers V2

    Sandtowers Version 1.1

    Sandtowers was used in the Bungie vs World playlist and Sandtowers V1.1 was created from the feedback received from the world at large. (I am still waiting on some Bungie feedback, but that could take a while). Here is a list of changes:
    [​IMG]1.) Mancannon towers:
    a.) Hammer moved from tower side to column side, increasing visibility and player usage
    b.) Ramps remerged allowing a smooth walking path from the ground to the platform
    c.) Spawns adjusted to decrease confusion and spawn kills
    d.) Inverted Stone platform added, provides more cover from the top while keeping warthog driving lines open
    (Background image)
    e.) Added two lights under the tower, improving overall aesthetics
    f.) Added bubble shield to protect from top center
    2.) Overview
    a.) Added cover:
    ...1.) Added 2 inverted stone platforms to break up a large line-of-sight and to provide cover from the top
    ...2.) Added several broken stone columns to provide more bottom cover. Since they are broken, it does not impede wraith movements (6v6-8v8) and keeps the warthog lines fairly open.
    b.) Added ramp to top tower from the side hills. This gives another access point to the top center.
    c.) Replaced pallet entry to base with a broken column. This improved consistency and symmetry while still allowing the defenders to remove an access point.
    d.) Added cloak to help attackers sneak into the enemy base or to help defenders attack the top center. Works great with the hammer :)
    3.) Birds eye view
    a.) Platforms adjusted for symmetry and usability.
    b.) Radio antennae added to allow base access to the pads. (Note: Radio antennae can be removed with a well placed grenade, increasing map interactivity)
    4.) Elevator added
    The original map had an inverted platform with a gravity lift, requiring 2 jumps and a very accurate gravity lift placement to get to the top. As such, it was rarely used. This "elevator" allows players easier access to the top, along with proving cover on their way up. When the elevator dies, the rocks fall to the earth, splattering whatever is below them. This is another nod to Waterworks.
    5.)Weapon tweaks:
    a.) Increased runtime max on BR's
    b.) Moved bruit shot from side column to center column.
    c.) Needlers added
    d.) Removed SMGs and plasma rifles under towers, replaced with single BR's near ramps
    e.) Removed BR's on top of tower, replaced with magnums and SMGs
    f.) Removed high BRs in base and placed additional br below.

    Map Title: SandTowers
    Atlas Link

    SandTowers takes the gameplay of Valhalla to Mythic status by combining Waterworks-inspired structures with the Forging capabilities of Sandbox. The large central structure is high above the landscape, producing an excellent vantage point for map control while dividing the map into two distinct sections. Don't be fooled by the size, since this area quickly converts to a frantic close quarters battle in the amount of time that it takes to go through a mancannon. The base gives you a good view of the action while giving you enough cover to avoid spawn camping. The thin towers provide a mini-jump game that rewards you with instant access to the top of the enemy base. At the same time, it gives cover to players on the bottom to protect against a hail of bullets coming from the top center. Thanks to SandTowers vertical styling, the warthog is not constrained to the outer sections of the map and is easily used to move through the entire ground level. Grab some friends and a good energy drink, because you will need both to conquer all 3 dimensions in SandTowers.


    Midfield Flag Action
    Vehicles attacking blue base
    View from the top
    Death From Above
    Death from above (from below)
    Inside the base watching a hog get destroyed
    Multiple Entry Paths
    Chopper coming through
    Red Base
    View from blue base
    View from inside red base

    This maps works best with 4v4-6v6. It can support larger player counts, but larger gametypes should rely on its big brother, SandTowers BTB.

    Game Films (My DVD is cracked, so I was forced to save the maps while playing from my HDD)

    Neutral Bomb
    Team Slayer

    Link to Map in Your File Share: SandTowers

    Thank you for taking the time to check out my map.
    -Odin12345, H3ITWP Senior Foreman.
    #1 Odin12345, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  2. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice first post, and nice map! Looks great although I will have to dl and to give you more info on the gameplay. I'll get back to you soon but great map! You have put alot of effort into your first post which is what I like to see welcome to forgehub!
  3. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    I like the Set up of the map, the central structure is like nothing i have seen on halo and i really like the pillars, they make it so vehicles can go past but can also crash which stops them from being overpowering and splattering everything. The pillars also give people alot of cover without cluttering up the map which i like alot. I also like the way you have set it up for a variety of games. This is a definate download from me and should be from everyone. Awesome map 5/5
  4. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    The overall design is very unique, centering the gameplay around smaller, raised areas rather than the typical short, squat structures. I particularly like how it allows vehicle access to virtually the entire map without turning it into a campfest. The layout of the map is also a clever concept, with the diagonal focal line, rather than the typical straight-line charge. Well done, 5/5.
  5. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet map, like the design and the layout you have there! Your interlocking looks smooth and makes the map more interesting so great job on that! The pillars are nicely placed makes the game play different and the base design is original. My most favorite part of the map though is your center structure and the symmetrical of the map. Nice map!
  6. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    hmmm, this map looks interesting, i like how you used the stepping stone type of thing going from base to base, and how it is in the air, the aesthetics to the map are good, and all the structures are good looking and well pulled off.

    good job

    BTW it needz moar invizible chopperz, dat wud b kool

  7. Odin12345

    Odin12345 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all of the replies! I wish that I could have made this map more intricate, (See the BTB variant), but playtesters were always overwhelmed when they first played the map. The sheer magnitude of the structures makes it very exciting to play.

    I wish I could take credit for that, but I cannot. This map started out with Waterworks on my mind (A map from Halo 2). The large central structure went through 10 revisions before I found something that worked, but the bases stayed similar to Waterworks. Since I made so many changes to the map, I tell people that SandTowers gives a nod to Waterworks.
  8. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really good first post! I like the design you gave the map and the way everything can move around. Cant wait to see more! Id give a 4.95/5
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Great to see you posting this here, Odin. I've really enjoyed playing this map from the earlier incarnations like the larger BTB version. The middle structure is just awesome, and gives players an actual place to go and support the rest of their team. Great job.

    If I had to nitpick and give some suggestions for improvement, it would be for the ramps leading to the mancannons. I'd prefer to be able to just run up them without having to jump up on the platform. It never really hurt the gameplay, but it was one of the very few things that stood out in my mind and just assumed it was something that you would address. But as I said it's a very minor issue and it never comes into play while engaging the enemy.

    This is a very solid map overall and the gameplay (which I should remind everyone else trumps everything) is top notch. Best of luck to you in ATLAS, sir.
  10. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    first welcome to forge hub!
    for the first post its a nice map i like it.
    i think in the middle its a little bit to open but i think can edit that easy with a version 2.
    maybe some walls for example or something else.
    but overall i like it
  11. Odin12345

    Odin12345 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do you mean the top middle or the bottom middle?
  12. Odin12345

    Odin12345 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sandtowers V2

    Sandtowers was used in the Bungie vs World playlist and Sandtowers V2 was created from the feedback received from the world at large. (I am still waiting on some Bungie feedback, but that could take a while). Here is a list of changes:
    [​IMG]1.) Mancannon towers:
    a.) Hammer moved from tower side to column side, increasing visibility and player usage
    b.) Ramps remerged allowing a smooth walking path from the ground to the platform
    c.) Spawns adjusted to decrease confusion and spawn kills
    d.) Inverted Stone platform added, provides more cover from the top while keeping warthog driving lines open
    (Background image)
    e.) Added two lights under the tower, improving overall aesthetics
    f.) Added bubble shield to protect from top center
    2.) Overview
    a.) Added cover:
    ...1.) Added 2 inverted stone platforms to break up a large line-of-sight and to provide cover from the top
    ...2.) Added several broken stone columns to provide more bottom cover. Since they are broken, it does not impede wraith movements (6v6-8v8) and keeps the warthog lines fairly open.
    b.) Added ramp to top tower from the side hills. This gives another access point to the top center.
    c.) Replaced pallet entry to base with a broken column. This improved consistency and symmetry while still allowing the defenders to remove an access point.
    d.) Added cloak to help attackers sneak into the enemy base or to help defenders attack the top center. Works great with the hammer :)
    3.) Birds eye view
    a.) Platforms adjusted for symmetry and usability.
    b.) Radio antennae added to allow base access to the pads. (Note: Radio antennae can be removed with a well placed grenade, increasing map interactivity)
    4.) Elevator added
    The original map had an inverted platform with a gravity lift, requiring 2 jumps and a very accurate gravity lift placement to get to the top. As such, it was rarely used. This "elevator" allows players easier access to the top, along with proving cover on their way up. When the elevator dies, the rocks fall to the earth, splattering whatever is below them. This is another nod to Waterworks.
    5.)Weapon tweaks:
    a.) Increased runtime max on BR's
    b.) Moved bruit shot from side column to center column.
    c.) Needlers added
    d.) Removed SMGs and plasma rifles under towers, replaced with single BR's near ramps
    e.) Removed BR's on top of tower, replaced with magnums and SMGs
    f.) Removed high BRs in base and placed additional br below.

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