Please Rate Co-Created by AlcoholicRobot Base Seven is a mini game that uses the infection gametype Humans in mongoose Raiders(Zombies) in Hornets 3 rules Raiders(Zombies) use Missiles only Humans don't shoot or jack Hornet Humans don't hide ALSO!!! The guardians are blocked, it's just really dark REDOWNLOAD, I CHANGED IT A LITTLE, IT'S BETTER also, pictures are only 97% accurate now, but it'll do Pictures OverView UPDATED OVERVIEW Mongoose spawn Lamp Posts, they fall down, hornets can use as traps The S building The Bunker, this started it all, I made the map around the bunker Obelisk pathway, you get a cookie if you can find the noob trap Ramp box next to the goose tunnel Here's the second sun, it's outside the map The Woods(lol) Grav lift, goose spawn, and tunnel 2 Zombie Spawn Hornet Spawn Action Shot (there's only some from one clip because I haven't played in 2 days) MORE ACTION SHOTS Gametype: Sundown Map: Base Seven ENJOY I'm sure you will, my friends love it and so do I SPREAD IT AROUND UPDATE: I changed the map some for better flow and gameplay
THIS. IS. EPIIIIIIIIIIIC!!! But seriously though, it's like flying, acid-spitting tremors . I loved the map, loved the concept, and especially loved the aesthetics in certain places :3. The lightpole traps are pretty creative. Although it has a few honor rules that the douchers and noobs are sure to ignore, the (flying zombie name)s can still shoot them in some hiding spots...Can't they? And the noop trap is Spoiler a shield door?
First: The shield door is the noob trap. Second: A bit more original than some, this seems to be Cat&Mouse on steroids. With wings. Actually, it is a pretty clever use of the middle level, and I will probably try it out at some point.
I like how this map finally came out, glad to see how people like it. I really hope it get's more popular. We agreed that if a person perpousfully breaks the honer rules they get booted from the party, and we have been working on removing all "Hiding" spaces from the map because the whole map is just filled with places that you can escape from sight for a moment untill they fly around to the other side.
UPDATE: added more action shots also, We're calling the flying zombies Raiders instead of just "flying zombies" cause they aren't actually zombies, I mean they operate hornets, that's no zombie UPDATE: Fixed a few things, changed a few things, better map with a better flow REDOWNLOAD
*Cough* So are you still working on the variations, Cause y'know I could help sense I did in the first one.