Hell's Hospital

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by B1gB1rd09, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. B1gB1rd09

    B1gB1rd09 Ancient
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    Their have been many rumors revolving around that evil place.
    Some say the dead are again living.
    Others say that it's all a bunch of bull ****.
    Let's check it out!

    Welcome to...
    Hell's Hospital


    Map overview ^_^ (Map variant made by B1gB1rd09)

    Hello! It's been a while since I uploaded a map, so I decided to go with an old one. I made this I think back in February, updated it in April, and then updated it again... today XD. I thought it was worthy ofbeing posted here, so I thought "What the hell?" and put it up.

    Basically, the map is setup for two gametypes. The first one is-

    Survive as long as you can while swarms of infected come after you. The infected are slow yet acrobatic, and will be able to reach players where no one else can. They won't go down too easily, and once they take one, they won't hesitate to take more. Ammunition is limited, and the humans won't last long against some blood-thirsty zombies. Staying in the hospital as a human is key to survival. Only go out if you need ammo.


    Haunting- This ones quite different. The infected are fast and invisible, yet the humans have Spartan Lasers (ghost guns, anybody?) and Assault Rifles. While the ghosts go down quite easily, and aren't what you'd call strong, they're pretty difficult to see with the naked eye. So, a smart, stealthy ghost should be able to take out a team in a minute or so... if the team is unsuspecting, that is. Assassinations play a large role in being a zombie. As for humans, maybe staying in the Hospital isn't your best bet...

    Now, for your favorite part and mine...


    The Lobby

    The second floor

    The third floor

    The main human spawn, some good weapons in here

    The parking lot. One of the many ways a zombie can get up to the roof pallet is here. No, you can not drive vehicles in either gametype.

    Behind the hospital

    The alley. There's some firebombs next to the truck.

    Main zombie spawn

    Zombie hallway. One of the ways to the roof is in the teleporter.

    Receiver node.

    Getting up to the roof...

    BAM, *****! Getting into the Hospital the old fashioned way.

    Way up from the parking lot.

    Download Map "Hell's Hospital": Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    Download Gametypes:
    Morgue: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    Haunting: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    The map seems like your basic building with hidden and roof entrances. The building looks like a giant box that got destroyed. The gameplay may be good, but if you want people to download your map, you'll want to add aesthetics that people want to go and check out. I could also see you interlock some more in certain areas that look bumpy. It also seems that the humans could just camp in the room where they started and rape the zombies. I don't really know how i feel about this map just yet, so im just gonna bookmark it for later.

    Overall 3/5
  3. B1gB1rd09

    B1gB1rd09 Ancient
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    Well, none of the weapons in the hospital have sufficient ammo, and either long or never respawn times. As for the aesthetics, I agree, but I hit the budget limit and really don't know what I could do to make this look like a hospital.
  4. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    I understand what happened to you. I've hit the budget limit, OLN, ran out of room, all kinds of stuff. This is just one of the downsides of forging. You may want to get rid of expensive and useless things such as the mongeese and the teleporter(although if it affects gameplay keep it). You may also want to clean up the outside a little, there is actually lots of money that i could see you getting from just deleting some of your outside extras like, cones, barrels, forklifts, etc.

    EDIT: Oh and if you fix your map and make some changes, don't start a new thread called a v2, people will get pissed
    #4 ShortKidPena, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  5. B1gB1rd09

    B1gB1rd09 Ancient
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    All right, I'll look into it, thanks for the feedback ;).
    #5 B1gB1rd09, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I might agree with short, But than again your map is still not a fail. you implemented thoughts and ideas of your own to ensure that game-play is not all the same like the other boxy foundry maps. you introduced roof brake ins and made sure that this map wont turn into a campy one. hell i would not mind playing a few games on here. only thing that i think you should worry about is to not make the map so boxy.
  7. B1gB1rd09

    B1gB1rd09 Ancient
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    Thanks. Once again, I'll look into making it better if I get off my lazy ass XD. Oh, and if I don't make a new thread, how do I inform people that there's a V2? You can't change titles, can you?
  8. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    You can't change the title, but you are able to edit your pics, make the change to the name in the thread, and edit your details about the map. The main thing would be to make sure that people don't think that the pictures from the old one are the version two and the title is big and says V2. Also, if you make enough changes, and it takes long enough, you can just make a new thread. I just recommended that you didn't because if you are just tweaking small things right after it's posted, people will have an **** about it.
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You have a good point there short, don't post new threads unless more than 50% has either been altered or added. Although this map is not revolutionary in the way that it stages itself (ie. Aesthetics) it does have interesting gameplay.

    So I'm sorry if I'm coming off as harsh but this is lacking in a few things:

    1. It lacks good aesthetics (sorry for bombing you on this, I just want to run the idea home)

    2. (Not pertaining to map itself) you should put more pictures of the inside of the hospital if the majority of intended gameplay takes place there, unless that is all there is to show.

    3. I personally (I'm not speaking for everyone here) don't like the teleporter, it allows for the zombies to get in way too easily. Once again, this is just my opinion.

    Overall, I'd say that if you fully remade it with interlocking and made other augmentations to the map, I would most gladly say it is a good map.

    Good job, keep it up.
  10. Triple96

    Triple96 Ancient
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    This is pretty cool...better than most infection "mansions" I've seen. dling right now. I'd give it a 4.5/5, I'll definitely try this out tonight

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