LINK TO FILE SHARE(Forum post unavailable): What is Viper? It is a class choosing 2 sided map, kinda like The Last Level It works for all TEAM games but only Team Slayer has bin made and depending on # of download TO THE MAP The bases are SEMI symmetrical due to the map's default geomatry. The reason for the middle's form is because i wanted a central hill like control point just like in valhala The bases are big themselves offering 4 plots that the occupants emerge from: Respawns looks like this and so does the class selection: CLASSES The attraction of the map - the weapon set PHANTOM- This class is very tricky on the eye. One who is a phantom cannot be seen with the active camo his set includes. Once his cloaking disapears, no worries, he can toss in a flare to really blind the enemies and a firebomb grenade for a confusing death. PALIDIN - This class masters the art of martial arts all from the comfort of his arm. It is to be noted to be resiliant because of it's oversheild it starts with. when facing a phantom, a palidin may deploy a bubble sheild and hopefully get close enouph to use his/her hammer or sword to any oposer. DEMOLITIONIST - This class specifies in making things go boom. The brute shot will corrupt any opposing ghost while the needler can be used against any non phantom infantry. adding to his arsenal are frags and one trip mine. PILOT - My favoirte class, this one has the ability to board/use vehicles of the battle feild. but he is not unarmed. infact, he is equipped to disarm other pilot's death scooters (AKA the ghost) via Plasma pistol or energy drain. The pilot is important because he can control the power "weapon" of the map - the wraith! Hope you all enjoy because all my friends did! there is also to note a sentinal beam within the map for it's fans of its awesomeness. NOTE: I know it is recommended to use a bungie forum post but i have bin blacklisted for unfair reasons which i will avoid to explain because it is a MAP post. Download VIPER and VIPER SLAYER from my file share and mendez mansion with light my pyre will be released in the near future. THANK YOU LINK:
All mods and staff before you jump to conclusions. He has a valid reason to link to his fileshare. Please allow it. Good Job Hippie. -Donuts
How did you make it so that only the pilot could drive the vehicles? Anyhoo, I've always liked class-choosing maps and this one looks exceptional. Good Job!
And here it is lol! and ty sogdog im out for now gotta catch some z's to viggie: custom power up. also allows 150% damage resistance and forced color to purple