Stack 007

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ballika, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    Stack (Goldeneye)

    Created by Ballika
    Supported Gametypes:Slayer, will edit for all game types if requested

    Map Description
    The second of many Goldeneye maps I hope to REMAKE, I give you Stacked. This is a replica of the top part of the map called "library", which was called "stack". Goldeneye Fans remember this level for its secret doors and the amazingly frantic gameplay through the hallways in the upper level. This remake does not include the Basement( sorry no room!).

    I did my best to keep the big open feeling of the N64 version but only with limited success, foundry is just barely too small and is just a few objects short of allowing for the full scale of this map. Expect a slightly smaller "main room" but otherwise the map should feel the same spatially. Weapons are placed in same locations they were found back in Goldeneye, obviously though they are not the same, but at least similar in power. Those secret doors in the walls had to be replaced with shield doors as there is no way to duplicate them in Halo 3. I included some of the "glass walls" from Goldeneye with a couple of "pallet walls" which you can still see through (minimally) but more importantly shoot and walk through. They didn't have much of a purpose in Goldeneye and they don't have much purpose here, but I'm striving for accuracy so I tried this idea out.

    Pictures below, some with comparison shots from Goldeneye. I have also remade Facility with similar style and attention to detail as I have shown here. I plan on making a compilation of Goldeneye remakes for Halo 3, as I have seen quite a few, but some of the remakes lack in their playability and popularity due to the unimaginative and lazy people that created them. Maybe those forgers aren't either of those things, but I just like to see creative solutions for problems and attention to detail (straight lines/interlocking objects). Anyone that is interested in playing these classic Goldeneye remakes or interested in helping to create a compilation of them please send me a PM.

    And to those of you that have created Goldeneye remakes, GOOD JOB! Laying it out is the first step. Please go back and make them perfect! These were great maps and you are doing them a disservice by making them sloppy and painful to look at.

    Catwalk goes all the way around the main room.
    Just like in the original
    Long room with balcony and a conveniently located sniper rifle (up on Balcony)
    Like the original
    Pallet walls, limited visibility with all the bullets attached
    Similar to the original Glass walls
    One of the "stair rooms" leading to the second level(basically the same on both sides)
    The sniper hallway (balcony at far end of picture) and a little bit of the back "stair room"
    Fancy MS paint representation of the map"
    If you download and play, or decide not to download for some reason, please leave me some feedback(here or on so I can improve my forging skeels. Thanks for checking out my map!
    I love this community and the way all of our creativity feeds one another so again, please leave any feedback.
    Download Stacked
    #1 Ballika, Mar 29, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2008
  2. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Re: Stacked

    wow this map looks great and it must have bin annoying to set up the "glass" walls qued
  3. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Re: Stacked

    I always loved Goldeneye, now I'm glad there is an accurate remake out there, fantastic. I will definately download this.
  4. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    Re: Stacked

    man n64 has to be the greatest thing ever created. but i always loved playing goldeneye to tell ya the truth i was jsut playing it last week along with my other n64 games man it brings back memories. i like how you interlocked to make everything work well and if your map is as big as that picture says then i'm shure this map will be brilliant. i like how you used pallets to represent the glass windows. i will d/l once i get my xbox back and see if i can see anything to improve.
  5. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    Re: Stacked

    hey guys, thanks for the positive feedback. There are some other 007 remakes floating around out there that are pretty good too, search em out and check em up.
  6. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Re: Stacked

    I think there is a problem downloading this map because it keeps cancelling, or is it just me?
  7. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Re: Stacked

    Nice remake, Stack/Library was one of my favourite maps too! I decided not to remake it because I didn't believe enough justice could be done to it with foundry however you have done a pretty good job capturing this level. I don't think anyone could make the basement as well as the top half on foundry.

    I like the comparitive screenshots (Something I wanted to do with my Facility remake but couldn't find any N64 screenshots online,bah!)

    The MS paint top down plan was also a nice touch.

    Overall a good remake and I look forward to the next one (BUNKER! Unless I beat you to it!)
  8. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Re: Stacked

    Map looks great! I Q'd
  9. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    Re: Stacked

    thanks for the love buddhacrane, i take your comments seriously after seeing your Facility remake (i like it better than mine in some aspects). You do good work. And yes, i think Bunker is going to be next.

    Has anyone else had a problem downloading such as the one Biznis Hippy referred to? if so please let me know so i can fix it!
    #9 Ballika, Mar 30, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2008
  10. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    this is probably the closest remake of any James Bond map made. Very good job. 5/5
  11. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    great job, its nice to see someone finally made a great remake of some classic games. and personally this was my favorite level on that game. good job
  12. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    me like me download

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