Hello fellow members of ForgeHub, Soldier62994 here. I would like to inform you all of a soon-to-be prosperous community of casual and competitive gamers alike. This Community, is the MLGG-ers, if you will. What does MLGG stand for? Well, it's simple, really Major League Good Game Major League Good Game(Herein after, MLGG) is a community of players who just want to kick back and relax, in a fun loving and friend making way. The main objective of MLGG? To make games a better community! That's right, we're improving the matchmaking around here, trying to spread our love around. Think about it for a moment. When you RIP the other team apart in a match, you expect them to make excuses. But what happens when they just say a simple, "Good Game!". It makes you feel tingly inside. Wouldn't you like for other players to feel this joy? I know I would. That's why, I'm making MLGG a publically known community. Want to join? Well, it's a pretty rigorous process. For one, you need to post your name here saying that you told someone "Good Game!". You're in! List of MLGG-ers: 1.Soldier62994 2. Insane54 3. Mr. Tastee 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. mlg-g.webs.com
I say Good game after every game, actually. Have been for 6 or 7 years even since I started played Jedi Academy...I always did "gl (good luck)" and "gg (good game)". Does I haz qualifies?
No, but qualifies can haz you Yes, you do. But you need to try your best to say it both before AND after each game. In some countries' customs, saying good game pre-game is better than post-game. Keep that in mind!
i wouldnt mind being apart of this im just wondering what sort of games you'll play like will it be only competitive or casual? and i do say good game sometimes before but mostly after
I tell people they did a good game after every match (at least every time i remember,which is often) do I qualify to me a MLGGer?
Website is now "officially" up. Sign up and spread the word, be the first members of the next biggest thing!