Fourthright A four-based symmetrical small team (2v2, 3v3) or FFA map. ----->Download Fourthright<----- This is the second map I have made, and my first on sandbox. Much like my first map, Mastadonial, Fourthright is symmetrical and made for small teams or free-for-all. However, Unlike my previous map, Fourthright has more aesthetics, and has only one primary level. The map is designed for as many as 3 people on a team (I have not tested it with four, but I can assume that would start getting crowded). The map has two upper and two lower bases, the upper bases providing more cover and less weapons, and the two lower bases providing more weaponry with less cover. Weapons- Assault RIfel x4--30 secs--2 clips Battle Rifle x6--30 secs--2 clips Sniper RIfle x2--45 secs--1 clip SMG x4 (2 sets of 2)--30 secs--2 clips Needler x2--45 secs--1 clip Brute Shot x2--30 secs--1 clip Mauler x2--45 secs--1 clip Sentinel Beam x2--30 secs Flamethrower x1-- 2 minutes Equipment- Bubble Shield x1--60 secs Power drain x1--60 secs Trip Mine x1--60 secs Regenerator x1--60 secs Flare x1--60 secs Deployable Cover x1--60 secs Active Camo x1--60 secs *Notes & Tips - the upper and lower bases are not actually on different levels. this is just my way of differentiating between the two sets. the upper base is only a half block higher. -Whoever controls the flamethrower is easy to take out as long as you use the provided long range weapons. -In a 2v2 if you don't stick together, the needlers, BR's and/or flamethrower will pick you off alone. You will die alone. -In FFA game modes, don't go for long range weapons. FFA will essentially be a chaos game (My favorite) and will be a lot of fast action. Overview of entire map. Bird's eye view of the center of the map. Try to avoid the two holes or trick your enemies into backing into them. (as far out as I could zoom) One of the two sniper spawns Lower Base overview Upper base front view Camo spawn with upper base in the background. Action Shots Make use of the needlers Trick your enemies into falling through the holes Hey! That stings! Couldn't get there in time. (Teamwork counts) Sniper Vs Needler + close range= SNIPER FAIL. That was me with the sniper btw. Again: Teamwork will make or break you during 2v2. Please DL before you comment, unless you have a question. Feedback and constructive criticism/compliments would be greatly appreciated!
i looks pretty cool at first look it looked like a spaceship lol but anyways back to the map, i like the use of the raps it adds to the map asthetics, the holes in the center can be annoying sometimes but i guess thats all in the fun of the game but stull can be irritating, i would have prefered it if you had morged the entire floor because then it would have looked amazing, but it still looks good. you need to take out the sentinal beam and flamethrower because there pointless, change the time of the camo to at least 2 mins but best is 3 mins for this map
Ah hah hah! I can't believe it - I just finished map nmed Fourthright the other day... As for the map, it looks pretty good. I see those holes in the center fustrating the piss out of people, but on other hand maybe it'll teach them to watch their step.
Sorry about that. As for the Sentinel Beams, I agree they are pointless, they were put in on a suggestion from a friend while we tested the map. And the active camo has a 60 second respawn timer because even after it spawns, for some reason nobody seems to use it. I am making a V2 right now for KoTH, 1 Flag and 1-Bomb. I will take all of these suggestions into consideration then. Actually those three gametypes would already be made except I forgot to Save changes after I set up all three gametypes and I just hit end game without saving. That was extremely frustrating so I went ahead and posted this one with Slayer only.
One thing. The Custom power ups, as well as the Camo and OS, IMO is waaaaaay to easy to grab. I can easily grenade jump up there and grab all 3 of 'em. Fix that, and you got yourself a solid map, good job.
Ok. I tried getting to the powerups before but I couldn't get up there, but I guess I'm not really great at jumping. I'll have to fix that somehow.