.:MLG Amplified:. ----(A Remake on Sandbox)---- Hi Forge Hub Community, this is a Remake of MLG Amplified in the Griffball Arena on Sandbox. Hope u all like it. Download:MLG Amplified Remake Gametypes: -MLG TeamSlayer -MLG CTF -MLG King -MLG Ball -Symmetrical Team Based Map. -4 - 8 Players Weapon List: -16 BRs -8 Frag Nades -8 Plasma Nades -4 Carbines -1 Mauler[Respawn Rate 90 Sec.] Credits: -Fritzer& Zak Boo for the initial design and forge of MLG Amplified. -All who helped me Testing the Map Screenshots: MLG Amp Overview: MLG Amp Gold Side: MLG Amp Purple Side: MLG Amp Blue Base: MLG Amp Red Base Ramp: MLG Amp Blue Side: I hope u all enjoy it! -Please Download, Comment and Rate! Download:MLG Amplified Remake -Made by Fe4R iTz ChAoZz (aka XxBLAcKxViPeRxX)
you seem to be quite good at noticing detail.. you should make a map for the forgotten treasures contest... BEAVER CREEK FTW!.. anyways good remake.. but the foundry one is authentic and well.. in halo 3..
Chill pill? Looks pretty good, I don't know if its as precise as the original amplified, and, if you didn't know, the crypt is bigger than the foundry rectangle, so it may have pulled it out a bit.. I'm gonig to bed now, I may download tomorrow and add a comment Rich
I tryed to do the as precise as possible. <Yes i know that the sandbox "Griffball" Arena is bigger than the size of Foundry, but if u look at the map u will see that there is not so much diffrent in the size of Original and Remake. By the way thanks for ur comment=)
If they are all the same then how is it ...? lol They may all look the same but barely any of the have the same gameplay at all. Very accurate remake. good job bud.
Ignore Skarrow. Nice map, the merrging and interlocking is very nice. I like the Foundry version a it better because its more compact, but I'm still downloading cause i'm tired of foundry. Good job. 4/5
I played this yesterday and it is a decent remake of amplified however it doesn't feel the same because it is so much larger than the original. Why don't with all that extra budget they give us make a custom block off wall for it so game play feels the same, if you are going for a true remake of the map.
If i would do a for example a wall or something else it would be a real remake. And if u look at the Map and do for example a MLG TeamSlayer Game it doesnt fell so much bigger than the original one. =)
Hi ChAoZz, WOW, this is the best remake i have ever seen, i really like the layout and the interlocking and geo-merging object. Yesterday i played it with my friends and it really feels like playing on real MLG Amplified. I dont think that i have seen a better Map on Sandbox yet. Keep up the great Forge work. 10/5
I played on this yesterday, and I really enjoyed it. Took me some time until I realised that there were walls inside the wall. Perfect forging. Shadowbreaker Z and S Strongside S showed me the map. Good job, feels like Amplified.
Congratulation, you are on the front page of bungies top rated sandbox content. Bungie.net : Halo 3 Community Files
Looks pretty legit. It does not look like you missed any detail or anything. This version looks a little cleaner and neater than the original. Also it looks like it isn't bumpy either. Great job. 5/5
Thanks im glad that you like my map. A new map is comming soon. Remake of Amp X. Name: "Amplilouge". The release will be in Juni 2009. First Screenshots are in the Fileshare of "Fe4R iTz ChAoZz". Here is the link to the Fileshare :"MLG Amlilouge, (Beta)"
Cool remake, Zak Boo and I approve. However, there will be a problem started if you guys continue on my Ignition "Amp X" design concept as I have told you through replying to your many PMs and Xbox Live Msgs sent to me. I'm already forging my design and still haven't released Ignition "Amp X". Ignition is set for the summer. Do you see now how it will turn into a problem? Play Nice.
Amplified is among my favorite MLG maps and this is a great remake, not perfect but it's definatley worth the DL. Good job, make more plz?