The Sandbox Template Contest is a contest I came up with and after talking to several people higher up at Forge Hub I have decided to run. As most people know, using the default items is a good way to get extra items and avoid hitting the OLN. Well I don't personally like having canvases on my Xbox, I think they take up space and seeing as how most people are very close to the 100 custom content limit I think most people would agree with me. My contest is to see who can turn all of the default Sandbox items into the best playable map. This contest will have three winners, one for each floor of Sandbox, and will run from now (11:59 PM EST June 1st) till 11:59 PM EST August 1st, two months exactly. Any map that violates the rules of the compitetion (located below) will be disqualified. Rules: Must use all of the default Sandbox Scenery items. The Weapons and Vehicles are up you, you are allowed to spawn one wood bridge large and one weapon holder to put all unused items in these catagories on. All items must be on the same level of Sandbox (Including all spawning and objective items) Nothing may be deleted from default Sandbox. No Spawning any items aside from one wood bridge and one weapon holder. Maps will be judged on their own merit and the best for the most catagories will be chosen. Gameplay and Aesthetics should go hand in hand and one should not be sacrificed for the other. All types of maps (competitive, MLG, mini-games) are welcome. Map submissions should be posted here with a link to your map's original Forge Hub thread, as well as the creator(s) name(s). Forging in groups of two is allowed. Any questions? Please feel free to post here and I will answer them ASAP.
No, a rule I forgot to include, editing now. Also, just needed to get the thread up, more info will come.
This is an interesting challenge, since it will be a pain in the a** because of the stupid initial objects which don't respawn and stuff, so I think there will be minimal interlocking in this contest. I won't be participating due to school, but good luck to anyone who does.
If I want to bring the objects into either the skybubble or the crypt, can I just delete all the items and then re-spawn them in that area (as long as there are exactly as many as there should be of every single item)?
No, The point of the contest is to keep all of the original items on the map so that they don't count towards they Object Limit. There are canvas maps for the two other areas such as Baron AJ's sky bubble canvas( : Halo 3 File Details) and while I don't personally know of a good crypt canvas I know they exist. Be careful though, the "Crypt Stacked" canvas has a ramp large missing from the item pallet and this will get you disqualified.
Glad you followed through with this _TaK_. This should force some people to learn how to use the default objects, as they are a major key into getting the most out of Sandbox. Plus, we need some good canvas's to work with.
Only the Vehicles/ Weapons. Although I must say a weapon holder isn't entirely necessary, after setting the bridge it could be removed right? Also, wouldn't it be easier to allow players to put unused vehicles/ weapons on another floor? This way stuff couldn't get knocked off the bridge and into gameplay by grenades.
It is supposed to be able to be used as a canvas so having all items on the same floor is desirable. If your map is on the crypt or main floor(and not using the entire floor space) you can just leave them on the floor out of your map. If not just float the bridge really high up out of nade range. Also I wouldn't delete it because then things fall down. Also the weapon holder is so you can fit all he weapons and equipment on the plank if you so choose.
How about if we don't use everything we have, like vehichles and weapons, could we implement the wooden bridge into the map to play on and have the other items out in the dunes? to where if you were to try to get to them, Gardians would kill you long before it happened
Can you give us (or can we make) a replica of the Sandbox regular map from non-default objects so that we can interlock?