I have seen many outstanding house's forged on halo 3, so i decided to piece together some art work and post it up [/URL] in a weeks time, i was able to piece together this structure without any planning, just went with the flow putting goth into modernism [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] please check it out for more details <a href=Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details>download my house here</a>
Well first, your dl link does not seem to be working for me. About the pics, everything looks well done. I really like that upper mid balcony area. This map looks like it would work well with an infection game as well. A few more screens would be nice though.
Sexy house is sexy. Aesthetics in this are great, really looks like a mansion. I like how you used the fence wall as a railing as well. The inside is awesome too, although I think it would have been better if you had used Last Resort stair cases.
I really like the look of the house looks really nice, i really think that you should try to peice together a infection map using this as a start, people could deffend the house
Wow, you did this all without planning? This is amazing! It's not too big, and it is not too small. Nice work. This deserves a 10/5!
Its beautiful. As far as foundry houses go, this is one of the nicest i've seen. How much money do you have left....because this would be perfect for infection. I would love to see how this plays on a real gametype.
This is an absolutely beautiful map! NIce work! The thing I really like about the map is the arches over the stairs. Playing infection on this would definately be fun.
Great house/mansion/manor/rofl man! Mine sucks because it's a bit sloppy, but I'm not that good at very big builds Nevertheless, I'd download if it weren't for the fact that I'm getting the 100 Content message (damn you Bungie), but I'd download if I do some maintenance soon!
The house is very nice. It looks like you interlocked well and made a great effort on it. The balconys look really nice. You dont have many pics from the inside but it looks well put together. I might download and give a new review For now 7.5/10