This was the first map I ever made before I knew about the save and quit floating object trick or interlocking. The idea was simple create a puzzle map that anyone can do, no need to grenade jump, no need to know the climb through wall glitchs nothing but pure puzzles. As many people had done Saw style maps in darkness I shose a different approach and too them takin idea of a childrens funhouse and using forge warping that funhouse to be more sinister and atmospheric. Suffers of claustrophobia and vertigo beware Its designed surprisingly to not require a special gametype and can be played straight off in custom games slayer. Download map hers some pictures for you hopefully they wont ruin the surprises too much glad you could drop in A ball pool key element of any good funhouse trapped or not what do you think ? what are these doing here they arent kids toys and who parked them like that ? can you balance on the beam ? I wonder why this funhouse hasnt been condemed yet ? the finish with customary golden orb additional info * after this map was made I did make a second that was a prequal to this so infact this map is part 2 of 2 at present * all the map was made by using construction towers to hold bits up then removing the towers to create the map.
I like these sort of games... but yours has a problem. The teleporter which takes you from the room with the cars to the one with the spiral coil firing at you can get blocked quite easily... I have had it happen a few times. Not bad though, 3/5