So, how have you spent your time at Forge Hub?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    veni, vidi, vici.
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Thanks wiki! Translation: I came, I saw, I conquered.

    @ Sarge

    You are so modest, but it has some truth.
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    So there I was, on my el computadora. Looking at Bnet. Saw top maps of 07 thingy from FH. It was frontpage. Decided to click, and saw the maps.
    I then thought, "Well I might as well DL them."

    Joined, and that day was the feature Scarab map by Coolant.
    I actually got flamed (just a tad) on that thread for calling it sloppy.

    I then began to spam the map forum a bit.
    "Looks good, can use some interlocking there. 3/5"
    You know, stuff of that nature. I was warned by someone.....forgot who. Learned that I was an idiot for doing that. Didn't really try to get noticed.

    I had my first TGIF later on.
    Back then, we had party leaders that had members. Not open parties.
    Mine was DtL. Great guy btw.
    And I still had no mic.

    I posted an was basically a nobody. I played with people from FH on occasion, but I didn't have a mic, so yea. LOL Zombie was amazed by my Halo skills, so I played Doubles with him a lot. I gained more popularity with that. It was aight. I also befriended Qrangieeeeeeeeee. And I distinctly remember the first time I met Insane54, the nub. I joined Qrangie's game and 2v1 Qrangi and Insane. I beat them, and they kept saying I was good at "MULGE."
    In the lobby, I was bamboozolled by what they were saying. I then realized that it was MLG. I befriended Insane54 because he needed help with doubles also.

    I got him from like, a 29 to a 45. Which made him a Brigadier g2 instead of his Colonel (which he disliked). LoL Zombie still hasn't made his 45, because he is very hard to handle.
    I even made a thread about his noobiness!
    So, many nubz have asked me," Why do people call you Shanon?"
    Well, gather round nubz, and listen for the Lulz.
    I went in a game with LoL Zombie hosted by Ivory Snacks. He's Australian btw.
    We were testing and or sumthing. And then Ivory's like,"How do you pronounce that?"
    Mind you, Australians are HORRIBLE with pronouncing "x". So anways, he's rite there, trying to get it rite, and it sounded like he kept saying,"Shanon, Sha-non, Shan-on."
    Zombie was just loling his ass off and started to expand the situation, typical. Then Vorpy Worpy Dorky found out. Then Insane found out. And then it exploded and became my name. none of my friends ever say Xanon anymore, it's Shanon.

    I then joined the Tester's Guild and LuLed. And I'm still LOLN!

    So yea, from there I started to play with a lot of FH guys, members, loyals, staff, mods, admins., etc. Everyone. And you'll still see me playing with a lot of them.
    Our basic Matchmaking team is:
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    My time started as playing and making maps and thats what im still doing to this day just on a more refined scale.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    I remember when Tex closed my friend's Forum not a day ago. lol. I'll accept responsibility. That map wasn't the best we could have made it any way. Well any way that is what forge hub taught me: be sneakier next time.
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Almost a year ago, one of my friends made a map that a group of our friends enjoyed playing on. He posted it here on FH. He showed it to my friends and i, and then i decided to try forging.
    I joined Forgehub about when i started my first map. I remember the day clearly, Jedwali was on the front page. I finished my first map, but didnt think it it was good enough, so i made another. This was the first map i posted. I made a few more decent maps that summer and posted them. I also got into OT and posted a lot in the PPC. Around september, i started on what is now my favorite map i have made. I posted it about a 2 months later. Then wrestling season came, and i visited the site about 3 minutes a day to check the ORLY/ON NOM/LOLCAT and such thread. /a few months later, i started gettin back into it.
  7. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    I was bored. I came, I saw, and twas entertained.


    Why so purple nitrous.
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Saw a few cool features on Bnet so I went over to FH, registered, raped, rage quit, rejoined, made a few maps which nobody even me gave 2 shits about it, raped again, made a map that got like OVER 9000 DOWNLOADS!!! and now I'm here pretending everybody knows me even though I only play with a few users. Oh and I have bin here since HMP. And that is your black history lesson for today.
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I thought it was Vo, veni, victus. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    No, at least according to wiki.
  11. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I don't anticipate you'll be sticking around too much longer...

    ...Anyways, I've been reading just about every post (truthfully, I only skimmed What's A Scope's wall), and it brings a smile to my poison ivy ridden face.
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I came here when I saw Time Glitch's Nightfall map posted here in October.
    Then I made a cheap rip-off of the map, with his permission. I regret doing it because I couldn't make it better than the original.

    Then I made a rubbish infection map which I posted, and another not as rubbish infection map that I made a few months ago that I still ahevnt' gotten around to posting.

    I'm now working on my apartment idea, but I spend most of my time here trying to help the rest of the community.
  13. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    I think i joined because I wanted to post my amazing map "The Tower". For those of you who have seen it, it was truly "amazing". Right. I joined in Jan of 08, and started off as a spammer and GC *****. I think i recieved my first infrac from Project :| in March, or whatever the fifth month is. It was for spam lol, once i got it, I went back and changed it and messaged Him and said "I didn't spam look at the post"

    And he was like "lol"

    Since about Nov. 08, i've usually just been chillin in the OT and halo screenshots forum. I've posted a bit in the Debates, but that aint for me. I pretty much stopped forging in gerneral because i don't have the time to forge and the time to get better. So i make tiny maps, and help some people out at times. This year, I've had a great time in the OT, so ya.

    Thanks to yall, and i don't remem how i came here. Oh i am also a bit of a SB ***** too.
    #33 PandaMan, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  14. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    That sounds familiar. Oh yea! At least five people said that to me, you being one of them.
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I made awesome maps and annoyed people.
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    You changed. Whether or not you believe it. You changed.

    Spot on.
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I made maps ****er.
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    alright... alright... fair enough...
  19. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    I joined in July of 2008 after reading something about ForgeHub on the Bungie forums. At first, all I did was post in the maps section. I didn't spam or anything, most of my responses were about 1 paragraph... I just happened to do about 3 posts every 5 minutes... Anyway, I found the Community section of the site, and ever since I haven't posted too much anywhere else. I used to frequent the Yavimayan thread... I got my first + rep for saying that Mountain Dew was the best soda ever in that thread. I also got pretty involved with the GnA forums, and I entered almost every SOTW. Then I left for a while, and came back just a month or two ago. To my dissapointment, the Yavimayan thread seems to be gone. Anyway, I have fallen back in to the GnA forums and am getting back into the rest of the community thread now.

    Anyway, that's how I have spent my time at FH.
  20. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    You keep telling yourself that.

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