My first stab at staged screenshots. the first is titled roxanne (turn on the red light,har har) The second I call double fisting. The third in untitled. The 4th is Ultima and The 5th, Down Barrel and The 6th, POV. I used mostly the avalanche map except for double fisting which was sandbox. Tell me what you think please. P.S. I realize the spartan with the sniper is a played screen shot but again this was my first stab at doing it and why not go with what you know for starters.
obscured? you mean how the weapons are close to the face? other than that i don't see what you mean as there is nothing else blocking a clear shot. These are just taken at different angles than most people do. It's my perspective. I know they are a bit cookie-cutter but like i said, first shot at it. thanks though.
Never, Never, include the floor on pics 3 and 4, it totally ruins the effect. and don't make the spartan blue on a blue background, comon people!
well that makes sense, thanks for the hint. I really do like the background so hopefully i can still go back to the film.