Hey guys, so umm, i've finally gathered the patience to finish campaign on legendary, and I only have one level left, which happens to be the gayest of them all. Yep, you guessed it: Cortana. I'd play it alone, but it would take forever, so I decidedto ask for help, if anyone wants to play it with me, later today, or soon. I'll be on today after 9 eastern (pm), till around 11 And tommorow since 10 am. GT: Eduardo Dubs Thanks for the help Send me a friend request w/ a message if you'll help me
i will do it with you if you still need to when my xbox is fixed, but only if you do tsavo highway with me (that's the only one i need)
oh just got some people to play it with me, and we finished it, so this thread is now useless ivory snake, i finished tsavo highway on legendary earlier today too, it was the penultimate one i needed... oh well, you'll find someone to help you
ivory you want the elite chest peice dont you *wink* i would help....but then id have to kill you. :squirrel_evil:
no i dont want the elite stuff but if i finish teh campaign on legendary i get security shoulders which i do want
i did it alone the first time and then did it a second time with my bro both on legendary, FIRST TIME: run through the whole level, don't stop to kill anything unless it is vital. If u r going for the acheivment, do it with a homie, im not willing to do it
Wow E93, that was a little selfish. You wanted help from someone else, but when you got it, you wouldn't help Ivory beat a level. You wouldn't like thatmif it happened to you.
I have the same problem, I just need to do cortana... I will try to do it with you at some point add my GT - its "toonshorty"
nah, it's ok i'll get the guys who helped me do the last few levels to do it with me, and your right, no one loves elites
"It's the internet?" That's your excuse? You act as if the people on the other end of the connection don't have feelings or emotions whatsoever. I'm sorry if I sound mean, but that's pretty heartless. Just because you can't physically see or hear the person, doesn't mean whenever you're online you can toss away all kindness.
Can a mod please lock this thread? there is no real point to it anymore, it'll just start conflicts that we don't want
I'll help ya when I'm on, I've got all the achievements so I can help with anything. I'll also get you a chopper across the broken bridge, and show you to the hidden weapons.