I love this puzzle map. It is very fun to play and all your challenges are really unique. I really had to use my brains on this one, but figured it out eventually (had to use a few of those wonderful rhyming hints though). I look forward to your next map- you're working on that one with all the other best puzzle makers right? I can't wait.
Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details There is a video of me getting out, grabbing a brute shot, and going back into the map. I find the brute shot will probably be problamatic because you don't need the regen and it will probably help further down the line. Too bad I suck and doing puzzles and I couldn't find out for myself.
this map sucks and all of em do 0/5. there is no strategic thinking involved at all and its all luck based. it will really piss u off dont dl
Wow, that's a really fair and well thought out comment Death Panda. Keep it up and you'll be a respected Forge Hub member in no time at all. Just because the challenges are above your intellect level doesn't mean that you have to go and type angry unreasonable comments like that. Honestly go watch my walkthrough video on YouTube and then comeback and honestly tell me that I didn't put any thought into this map. Please, tell me what angered you so much about this map that you had to give it a 0/5. Did you have a bad experience?