Dread Crypt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Phoenix619, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Dread Crypt

    Background: In this infected maze, humans need to work together if they are going to survive. Humans have two choices they can either find one of the many corners in the maze and hold there, or they can make there way to the Last Stand room in the sky. Be warned the zombies spawn guarding the Last Stand room, so it won't be easy getting there, but once you do you can set up a good defense.

    Players Supported: 5-16

    Gametypes Supported: Infection primarily, however one-sided CTF has been placed on the map

    Map Design: I have always wanted to create a maze and therefore I set out to do so in the Crypt, and by stacking the walls double high the map is un-breakable. The Last Stand room was a last minute addition, however I think it brings closure to the map and sets up some intense human vs zombie encounters.

    Pictures/ and Gameplay video:

    Maze Overview 1

    Maze Overview 2

    Inside Human Spawn

    Overview Human Spawn

    Overview Zombie Spawn

    Zombie Spawn 1

    Zombie Spawn 2

    Last Stand Room

    Last Stand Room- Exit tunnel side

    Last Stand Room- Entrance tunnel side

    Mancannon to Last Stand

    Looking down Exit tunnel

    After 2 minutes the Exit tunnel becomes another entrance tunnel

    Action Shots

    Sneaking Zombie

    Not me

    Always stay together

    Keep a lookout

    Set up for the zombies

    Zombies Entering- Using Exit tunnel delayed mancannon

    Last Stand fight

    Gameplay Video:
    Bungie Rendered Video Link

    Download Link:
    Dread Crypt

    Thank you to all my friends who helped me create and test the map, Garret Mander, Zombiphobia, t3h Gm4n, Raedan1108. Hope you all have fun playing the map.


    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A nice maze with neatness, multiple levels and variety. I'll DL to test gameplay but so far so good.
  3. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    Great job man! Reminds me of Omega Journey, but not as crap. I'm downloading to check it out!
  4. rexdino5

    rexdino5 Ancient
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    Hey how did you make the video on Bungie or from bungie?And i got your dl
  5. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Hey guys I am glad that you like the map, also to rexdino5, there is a new render to video option on Bungie.net however it is in Beta right now and only Bungie Pro Subscribers were allowed to enter the Beta. The feature is suppose to be released to the general public sometime this July, I believe.
  6. Trentzombee

    Trentzombee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really cool, like how you made it all neat. And how you balanced going to the last stand area with having to face a higher concinsity(misspelled sorry) of zombies. Not much I can criticize except that maybe you should put a spoiler for all of your pictures!!
  7. Wraith_5

    Wraith_5 Ancient
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    Really like the map, I've needed some nice zombie maps to add variety for me and all my friends. 5/5 for me.
  8. milarepa

    milarepa Ancient
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    A very nice looking maze. My partner has been hounding me to make her one... Just shows what a good thought out maze can look like
  9. garret mander

    garret mander Ancient
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    I helped playtest this map. It works out very well, while we tested primarily a game variant similar to save one bullet, I think it would work well for brains as well.

    As far as looks go it is very good. It gives you nearly the perfectly feeling when you are in the maze, and the last stand base feels exactly like that, a last stand, not an unassailable fortress. (in brains, that might be a little different.)

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