Left 4 Dead 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jake Pajamas, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. natu

    natu Ancient
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    The last 2 were racist. Happy?
  2. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    no, since they were not racist. they were referring to the skin of the game. as in it looks like basically the same game in daylight and a different setting...

    anyway, im also sort of disappointed in the characters. Its obviously hard to tell from the little we have seen, but they dont seem to have the same, for a lack of better term (that i can think of), "charm" as the original survivors.
  3. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Ya, I guess the first 4 charaters were in no way related to each other. A college Student, Buisnessman, Biker, and a Vet. But these guys are not as different.
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    1. Its based in an southern area, maybe New Orleans. Watch the trailer...

    2. Wasn't talking about the skin color, just the color of the game, due to its setting during the day.
  5. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Ohhhh... Sorry then. Anyway the game looks okay. The characters might not look like the best they have chosen but the gameplay looks amazing.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    No, L4D is definitely not a scary game. However, it has that feel and vibe to it. It stays in line with how the game is being portrayed. It doesn't feel like L4D.
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Wow! This thread is full of smart people with smart opinions that mirror my own. It's good someone finally agrees with me on this stuff, let alone a group of people! I have to say, I am not the least bit excited for L4D2: Cluster**** of a Name. I don't think it will be good at all. The first game was fail, and this is Valve we are talking about here. I mean, can they not move past Source Engine yet? Who cares if they made it, who cares if it is one of the most flexible engines of it's time; it's time for the new **** bros! Actually, for that matter, why doesn't Bungie move past the Havoc Engine and Epic move past the Unreal Engine? I mean, cmon! A game engine can only be good for so long, with updated versions making it better and all. Nothing is better than change, and throwing away things that work to please a wider crowd with visuals.

    But back to this laugh of a game. Yes, laugh of a game. I find it absolutely ****ing hilarious! Zombies in the daylight... that's just comedic! I guffaw so loudly every time the gameplay videos show one of them getting shot in the face, or losing its limbs to an axe. I mean, when I shoot zombies, I want deep emotion and fear tied into it. Shooting these buggers in the daylight just doesn't work at all. I can't even focus on playing I am laughing so hard. And no, not because of the cast or location. Seriously, they weren't even trying to be funny when it came to those decisions. Not at all. Blacks and hill-billies in Louisiana? What racist satirical-writer came up with that horrible idea? I have to tell you one thing, games about shooting zombies to rack up a kill count don't need nobodies. No, they need Brad Pitt with a big ole cigar as he uses a shotgun to blast the rotting corpses of the undead off the love of his life that he met only a few minutes ago. It needs more romance people! More drama! Every zombie you shoot should look like a family member, so you have to stop and think for a moment, "Why am I just shooting **** in a video game?"

    I am also really disappointed in the lack of environmental uniqueness. I mean, look at the massive amount of footage we have seen from this just announced game! There is a ****-ton! They've already shown every map/environment that we will be playing through, and let me be frank here, it all looks like the same level! We have to have seen at least 4 maps by now, and they all look like they came from the same level. They are all also in the daylight! This is terrible. Listen up Valve, I have a suggestion of my own: Why don't you make several level's that actually look different from one another. Why don't you make several levels taking place at different times of day? Actually, scratch that idea, that's a horrible idea! Make maps that all take place at night, in the dark with only the muzzle flash of my 12-gauge to light the way. Let's make this game look exactly like L4D, because frankly I hate change, even though I am begging for it. Better yet, why don't you stop making videogames?-let alone games that you as a gaming staff decided to make based on the opinion's of your fanbase. Learn what a real fanbase is; a group of people that hate you and everything you stand for. It is our blind opinion that matters, not those who give your game a shot! That just proves that they are week minded fools who try something before passing judgment. We have enough sense to say no right from the get-go. Now excuse me, I am going to play a REAL video game called Call of Duty: World at War. They at least have night missions.
    #27 X5, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Valve said we'd get new weapons and new maps for L4D.

  9. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    The more i watch these gameplay vids, the more i think they just look like a modded PC L4D. i dont know, if all of that was actual gameplay, i hope the final game is a lot different from the alpha...
  10. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    This is absolutely terrible, I loved the first one but their is so much wrong with this there is nowhere to start... The name is okay in my opinion... But, daylight!?!? Seriously, they explained why they picked the nighttime setting in commentary mode, now they are saying its fine?!? Also, the people are generic and have NO character whatsoever. I'm gonna have to wait before buying this...
  11. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    The line where he says if they run out of bullets, they're gunna wish they hadn't, that's what got me hyped up for this game!

    Oh and for the description of the fourth guy, I think the very last scene where a person smashes a zombie with a frying pan, I think that was him.
    So it looks like he's wealthy from his tuxedo kind of shirt.
  12. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Listen, you guys are seriously jumping the gun here. You are basing your entire opinion on the teaser trailer, and some very limited gameplay footage. I am excited as hell for this game, that is for sure, and so I have been hounding down information where I can. Seeing as I actually take the time to find information, not just wait for it to find me, I know that there is a mix between daylight levels, and nightlight levels. There is going to be a swamp level, which begs fog and darkness. I also know that the choice to move past night light is the fact that this is a sequel, not a remake. They don't want an exact recreation, they seek to expand upon the game, and one major thing that this means is a change in environments. They realized that night is night, whether you are in Paris or New York. However, day light looks different. Dusk in New York has a blue-ish hue. Dusk in Georgia (the location seen so far) is a musky orange. They want to create the feeling that this outbreak is happening on a large scale, not just night time cities.

    Also, how can you possibly say that the characters are terrible? We haven't even been introduced to them yet, all we have seen is them killing zombies. That isn't really the time that the characteristics of a person shine through. As for Melee Weapons can be held with additional guns, so instead of only having a pistol to aid you, you now have a melee weapon that is both fun and effective. However, I just can't stress enough that most people here are passing judgment way too soon. What it appears that people want here is an exact remake, and what would be the point of that when DLC would suffice (DLC that has come for free). Save being a critic until more is known or for when the game comes out.
    #32 X5, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  13. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Your jumping the gun and saying georgia has a musky orange dusk. The location in the video was clearly new orleans, louisiana (it even says so on a banner).

    It's all just speculation, we know. Nobody's making any definitive claims here. This happens with all videogames, deal with it.
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I don't think anyone wants an exact remake. If anything, I want a complete re-imagining.
  15. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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  16. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Lol, r u freaking kidding me, new characters!? I hope the characters from the first one can be used as like Bonus Characters. I like using Zoey... *Sadface*

    But anyway, it seems like the graphics are going to be a lot better. I don't like how the tank looks. it looks all grey and wierd, it looks cooler looking like the hulk.

    Also, with the addition of close-range weapons like the chainsaw, i would really like to see how it will play in L4D2...
  17. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    No I am not, I watched a live interview (I think on Gamespot). He said Georgia (as well as New Orleans), and said that they wanted to use the eerie dusk of Georgia for the game. Maybe he meant Louisiana, but I am referencing word from Valve's Marketing director, their official spokesperson at E3.

    Of course it is speculation, but there is a difference between speculation and absurd statements. Statements like:
    Speculation would be assuming that the "Hill-Billy tank" was new infected, which was confirmed that it was in addition with the tank. I won't even go into the absurdity of the whole "no more Source Engine" , but this thread (for the most part) is full of people just talking. Everything I saw, I say because I have seen it or read it. Comments like "Only daylight?! WTF?!" obviously indicate that that person doesn't know too much, seeing as they said that there will be night as well.

    Now, IGN is about to do an interview with someone (I can only assume that Marketing director) from Valve about Left 4 Dead 2.
    IGN E3 2009 Live Press Conference
    So let's see what he has to say. Maybe he will restate that this will have more than just day time levels, or maybe he will state that it only will have them. If Sony can say during their presser than Final Fantasy XIV was going to be exclusive, even though today it was revealed that it will not be, then even Valve can go back on previous statements.
  18. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i believe i read that the campaign starts in Georgia and ends in New Orleans.
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Im sure ill like the first one better, and i dont love the idea of the the daylight for it, but ill be happy to just have new content. im a fan of the first one for sure... however i like the characters they chose better. Ill surely miss Zoey alot. The new characters dont seem to have much depth to them.

    Ill give em a chance to wow me later as it gets closer... Hopefully the whole game isnt during the day, or it will just lose the feeling of the game altogether.
  20. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Sounds like the scout from TF2 :p. He's skinny, got the cap and can use a baseball bat :) Im looking forward to playing as him lol.

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