Sandbox Primitive Tools

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by shadowhunter44, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. shadowhunter44

    shadowhunter44 Ancient
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    I had first envisioned this map on the last day of school in Science. I wanted it to be on Foundry rather than Sandbox because I liked the Industrial look of Foundry. However after a few failed attempts at making the geometry work for Foundry it became apparent that I would be forced to make it on Sandbox.

    After a few hours of nonstop work Primitive Tools had been erected on Sandbox.
    So enough of my rambling, here are the pics.


    The Att. Spawn

    The Def. Spawn




    Att. Bomb and Flag Areas

    Def. Bomb and Flag Areas

    The Sniper Rifles Att. then Def.

    The Spaser w/ Regen

    The S tube w/ Rockets

    And those are the map pics!

    Weapons, Equipment and Vehicles:
    BRs x12 / 20 secs / 2 clips
    Snipers x2 / 20 secs / 2 clips
    Rockets x1 / 45 secs / 0 clips
    Missile Pod x1 / 60 secs
    Spartan Laser x1 / 90 secs
    Bubble Shield x1 / 30 secs
    Regen x1 / 20 secs
    Overshield x1 / 45 secs
    Invisibility x1 / 45 secs
    Mongeese x2 / 30 secs
    Warthog x1 Asymmetric / 60 secs
    Hornet x1 Asymmetric / 90 secs / Place At Start: No

    Please Rate, and Recommend to friends.
    Download link:
    Thank You!
    #1 shadowhunter44, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  2. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    First of all, there is no download link.

    Ok. This is an alright map, and I can't imagine how you would've done this on foundry lol. Three and a half hours isn't a whole lot of time for a map to be made, but whatever. Also, don't call your own map amazing--it doesn't sound good.

    In general, the structures are well made (straight and all), but I think most of them are rather pointless (particularly in the attacker spawn but also in the center of the defenders'). I also do not think that the overshield and invisibility should be in the defender base. Also, you should think about extending the wall all the way around the defenders' base, for it seems the attackers have an easy route to the flag simply by going straight to the back. It certainly is not balanced, and the defenders have much easier access to all power weapons. You should consider making a new version.

  3. shadowhunter44

    shadowhunter44 Ancient
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    First off, the overshield is not in the defenders base its on the attackers side of the dividing wall. Second the splaser and rockets are opposite the dividing wall on either side of it giving equal time for both teams to reach them, and third the 'pointless structures' on the defenders side are meant to be a quick route for the flag/bomb carrier to the side tube.

    Try and pay attention to where the weapon pics are in relation to the overview of the map.
  4. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    Those pointless structures hardly help a bomb/flag carrier. As a matter of fact they're like traps. These structures also include the four fins at the attackers' base as well as the eight, yes eight, stone platforms in the same spot. Although the overshield may be "equal distance" to the attackers' base, it is in contact with the defenders' base. However, this one may be let go since it probably is equally reached by either side. However, the "splaser" as you so lovingly call it and the rockets are not equally shared. Even if the distance is the same, the defenders can safely rush for them since they are within the cover and comfort of their own base, whereas the attackers would have to rush into a more hostile area to obtain them. Evening those kinds of things out is true balance.

    Try and think before you speak lol
    #4 Action Jacksson, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  5. shadowhunter44

    shadowhunter44 Ancient
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    So you think that two pointless structures that each have four entrances and exits are traps? The platforms were put where they were because they act as spawn cover because behind each one is a spawn point for the attackers. Third, if the defenders were to get to the overshield before the attackers then the o.v. guy would have to go ALL the way back around to get to his base by which time he wouldve gotten either double teamed or had his shield majorly reduced, hence giving him no special power defending. Fourth, the defenders dont have 'the cover and comfort of their own base' when rushing the splaser and rockets. All they have are the two outside perimeter walls which they can only hide behind at the back end of their side, whereas the attackers can use the dividing wall as cover all the way up to the splaser and rockets.

    And, with the comments you leave me Im starting to think you dont get Asymmetrical gameplay all that much. Its more than getting the power weapons and camping when youre on defense. Sometimes the defense gets ripped even when they have control of the power weapons. Its all how you rush.

    I appreciate the comments but you act like my map is MLG and completely Symmetrical.
  6. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    I'm gonna go down your last comment and refute everything you just said because I truthfully and effectively can.

    Stone platforms used as "spawn cover" is elementary (not to mention ugly).
    Even if the OS guy had his shield "majorly reduced," he would still have prevented the attacking team's acquisition of it.
    The dividing wall doesn't count as cover for the attacking team to get the rockets/laser anymore than it does for the defending team. The cover of the defenders' base is more than physical--whether or not they have the walls on the side (also the tubes, I might add), they have the closeness of the spawn points of their own team. Asymmetrical does not mean unbalanced...

    If you're gonna refuse to take good criticism, don't post here. This site is more than just advertising your map and calling it amazing by your own word.
  7. shadowhunter44

    shadowhunter44 Ancient
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    Whatever kid, if you only give negative criticism that's fine.
  8. soundsdifferent

    soundsdifferent Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i dont mind the map, i think it looks good 3.5/5

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