Read this from bungie and remember this happened in 2552. The ROOKIE Full name: [classified] Blood type: O+ Height: 186cm Weight: 88kg Rating: Lance Corporal (LCpl/E3) Unit: [classified] Service number: 11282-31220-JD Enlistment date: 07/07/2547 Location: Crisium City, Naniwa, Luna Born: Crisium City, Naniwa, Luna Gender: M Citizen: Lunar Age: [classified] Occupation: Student
You do know the Enlistment Date means the date he entered the UNSC, if you're inferring he's actually five. Or if you're saying "How can he be a rookie when he has five years of experience", then maybe it's a nickname, or everyone else in his squad has a nice amount of time enlisted.
lolfail get someone to change the thread name then. those stats dont matter. what really matters is gameplay etc.
Lock Thread? That was the date he entered the UNSC or whatever, not his date of birth. Nice job on looking out for it though, just read a little better.