Sandbox Porcupine V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by geranamo, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    Porcupine is back and better than ever!
    Map: Porcupine V2
    Gametype: Matrix

    If you remeber the old Porcupine, you probably remeber standing on a floating platform either dodging spikes or shooting them. In the new version, the same concept still applies, but with a little more tactical gameplay......just a little.​

    Just to refresh the layout of the game:
    • You only get one life​
    • Dodge spikes if you're a human​
    • Shoot spikes if you're a zombie​
    • Spikes are a one-hit-kill​
    I have added some things for a better feel in the game:​
    • Back wall-to clearly see humans​
    • Red light-to mark the angle in which you shoot the spikers​
    • Deployable cover-small defensive shield that can only take a certain amount of hits. Spawns every 10 seconds​
    • Last Man Standing-gets 2 points​
    I have added two sideways grav-lifts so cheating is imposible but they are not in these pictures. (They are on top of the obelisks).​


    Human Platform​


    Zombie Platform​


    Red Light​


    Deployable Cover​





    #1 geranamo, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  2. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    I was waiting for a v2 but it doesn't look like much was changed aesthetically. Yes, the ground was merged nicely, but it's just not "great" still. The obelisks and the wall behind add a nice touch to this, but not very much. (if there wasn't an object limit, I think it would be sweet if there was an oval dome that stretched across sandbox.) I do suggest that you add a half-dome in the background of the humans, and add some more aesthetics from the human view, maybe mini-temples to look at.

    Well, let me just say that I played v1 last week and idea inspired in me. It should be posted soon and I'll be make sure to thank you.

    Edit: what I would like better than the walls (if you choose not to create the dome) is if you merged tube pieces together to make a solid wall and maybe have a few shield doors just barely sticking out of certain areas. This would also have a nice impact on gameplay, as it would be possible to bounce the spiker off the shield door.
    #2 Drummerguy360, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Wow, this looks very original. I never saw v1, but this looks very fun. For once, the effect is good. It helps you see the spikes incoming better. I'm going to download this, it definitely seems like the kind of thing I'd play with a lot of people, and have nothing to do.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Does it really matter how the map looks? No. He could take dumps on it, it could be the refuse center of all the universe and it wouldn't matter. All that matters is how the game plays. But no there are idiots that care for crappy gameplay in a well dressed suit than shabby suits with great fun. Guess what, a pile of crap in a suit is still a pile of crap, just like your suggestions.
  5. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    I'm not saying the gameplay is bad, dumbass. In fact I downloaded this map because it's a great idea. But I admit that it would be more exciting if the aesthetics were great. The best maps, whether it's minigame or competitive, find the perfect balance between gameplay and aesthetics.
  6. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Not even i, would call him a dumbass. You dont know who your talking to.

    As for the map, its bland, yes. But it does seem like a fun minigame, everyone wanting to scramble for that cover, and then the others always wanting to be infected.
    I like maps like this, for a short amount of fun time with a large party.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I remember playing the first version tons of times. I really, really loved this game. I am glad you made a back wall for it. It should make the game a whole lot more realistic and a whole lot more fun. Also I love how you added the Gravity Lift for this game. Now the humans all have something to fight for instead of just sitting there and waiting. Nice job
  8. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Did.....did you just call rusty eagle a *gulp* dumbass?

    Oh ****. There's a storm coming.
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Let me help you understand the meaning of words. When I write out an analagy comparing gamelay and aesthetics, I'm making a point. A relevant point in fact, one that no person with a brain would disagree with. The point being: gameplay is more important than aesthetics. I would normally let posts like yours go, but you insulted his map based on lack of aesthetics on a mini-game map.

    I know you're going to ask where you insulted the map, but just re-read if a few times before I have to provide you with word-ray vision.

    Here's some maps that refute your idiocy.

    Purple Bunker
    Tremor Blast
    Jenga Tower
    Lilly Pads
    TNT Polo

    Wait for it...

    Duck Hunt


    Cat N' Mouse

    wait one more...


    Hear that sound little children? That's the sound of ignorance changing to enlightenment. Glad I could help.

    Lol, I would call me a dumbass sometimes, its okay. I'm not going to hide behind my seniority like an elitist. I'm equals with everyone.

    Edit: I apologize to the OP for having this happen in your thread. Please post about the map from now on.
    #9 rusty eagle, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  10. CavemanToaster

    CavemanToaster Ancient
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    About the aesthetics, but also moving on topic, I think that the huge wall is just so... out there. When playing the v1, it was cool to see the guardian tower light in the background.
    What I think you should do, and it would require some expert interlocking, is to make the wall a half circle shape instead of a rectangle. And then you should also make a smaller half circle indent in the top, so you can see the guardian tower light.
    Please tell me if I'm not making sense.
  11. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    The changes that you made are good but not complete. For the gametype you should have added last man points. Otherwise where is the point in surviving for that long?
  12. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    I understand you perfectly, but I blocked out the guardian tower's light so that the Zombie can see the red light indicating where to shoot a lot easier. I do like all your suggestions about curving the wall, either shape-wise or geometrically-wise. I'll see what I can do but I won't be making a V3, I'll just be updating this one from now on...since it will be minor, uneffecting the gameplay, changes.
    #12 geranamo, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  13. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    i never saw the v1 but i just finished messin about on this and it was alot of fun i was quite surprised actually cuz i thought it was going to be a bore, bnut it ended up being great fun thanks for creating this
  14. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Here's the thing. Just to show why aesthetics are important on this map. Duck Hunt and Grifball are classics. Their gameplay hardly allows for aesthetics as it's perfect already. This game is relatively bland and gets old after about one game. Then maybe I'll come back to it next week. It really wouldn't be as bland if we had something nicer to look at. Even if it's just mini temples off to the sides. Things that don't affect gameplay. It can't possibly hurt if it doesn't affect gameplay, and it certainly makes it at least a little better.
  15. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    First of all: Aesthetics won't save a bad map. Good maps don't need to be beautiful. This is a good minigame; therefore, it doesn't need to be prettied up. If you don't like how it looks, and you can't handle the fact that other people don't care that it doesn't look nice, fine. But don't keep repeating the same few sentences about the map. Tell us why you think it isn't a good game, and in what way additional structures would actually make the game better.

    On topic: Personally, I really like the look of both the map and the gametype. It seems like it would be a pretty fun thing to play with an absurdly large party. I've really only got one question; is there a bonus for being Last Man Standing? That seems like it would add incentive for people to stay alive. (apart from not having to wait and watch someone else play...)

    Actually, this map and gametype reminds me a bit of the old Predator game on Foundry, with the massive walls of crates. Not in terms of the actual concept, but the feel of the game, it seems like it is one of those things that would take a long time to get boring.
  16. CavemanToaster

    CavemanToaster Ancient
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    What if you made the tower showing, but just put the light in front of it. Like push it back, so it is still at the right (correct) angle but not as close. Not all the way of course, but just so its like half way. It would make it so you see the red light with a cool white light back drop.

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