Sandbox Siege Castle Chronicles

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by milarepa, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. milarepa

    milarepa Ancient
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    Siege Castle chronicles
    Four variations on a single classic castle design:
    Ultimate Siege 1 and 2 / Aerial Assault / Siege Castle Heavy


    Introduction notes:

    After taking on all the feedback I received when I first posted this map in the casual map forum, I have totally revamped the map itself but kept the same ascetically pleasing look and feel of the castle itself.

    All the map variations posted here are created for one bomb, one flag or team slayer. The attacker bases have been rebuilt from the ground up and the main castle has been updated to provide more opportunities for strategy.

    I’d like to thank everyone for posting ideas which helped me improve the maps, in doing so I found myself creating four different game types based around the same idea. Each game type/map is designed BTB so ideally suited for ten or more players

    The main changes which came from the original posting were adding additional entrances to the main castle and removing a lot of the heavy weapons. Providing more cover and creating a more secure attackers base dependant on game type. I deleted the original teleporter and built in two side entrances to the main castle. I also built in entrances to the outer wall enabling more options for strategy. In considering all these options I found myself creating four variations to my original idea. I would recommend a BR start

    It was easier to thread them all under one post.
    I hope you enjoy my siege castle chronicles

    Map 1: Ultimate siege

    [​IMG] Aerial front view of castle

    [​IMG] Side front view of bunkers

    [​IMG] Side view of castle

    [​IMG] Inside the main castle

    [​IMG] Inside the main castle

    Attacker’s Base
    [​IMG] Rear aerial view from Attacker base

    [​IMG] Front view of attacker’s base
    [​IMG] Side view of attacker base

    [​IMG] Courtyard

    This map was created for close quarter combat, using skill and guile to achieve your goals: Minimal vehicles for each team, less heavy weapons available.
    With a squad battle match made feel this map is designed around tactics compared to overwhelming fire power.

    The other main change to castle for this map is the defenders respawn locations. Removing most of the outer courtyard spawns and cover you will now respawn at the front of the castle either by the main entrance or at the bunkers outside the front gates of the castle itself. Both outer wall pedestrian entrances have also been opened up.

    New attacker’s base which is now symmetrical in design
    Three exits: one on each side and a main entrance.
    Two main building set on two floors; both overlooking the castles outer courtyard providing some great sniper opportunities. This also provides good cross fire of the attackers enclosed courtyard.

    Attacker’s vehicles and weapons:
    Two warthogs (30 second respawn)
    One set of rockets
    One sniper
    Several battle rifles
    Brute shot
    Plasma grenades

    Defenders vehicles and weapons
    Inside the main castle:
    Two Gatling gun turrets front and back
    One flame thrower
    One set of rockets with one spare clip 30 seconds respawn
    One sniper two clips 60 second respawn
    Battle rifles
    Two ghosts 45 second respawn
    Plasma grenades

    Outer courtyard:
    One battle rifle and plasma grenade at rear entrance by outer wall

    Front bunkers:
    Two Gatling gun turrets
    Two battle rifles
    One brute shot
    Plasma grenades

    Download Ultimate siege

    Map 2: Ultimate SiegeD
    The same map but I thought it would be nice to have the draw bridge down



    Download Ultimate SiegeD

    Map 3: Aerial Siege

    Different attacker’s base geared for aerial assault.

    [​IMG] Rear view of attacker’s base

    [​IMG] Inside the hanger

    [​IMG] Over head shot

    [​IMG] Front of the hanger

    Vehicles and weapons:
    Two rocket hornets (20 second respawn)
    Two transport hornets (20 second respawn)
    Two mongooses
    Spartan laser
    Battle rifles
    Brute shot
    Plasma grenades

    The base itself is designed specifically so that the defender will not be able to take it in any offence strategy, built with high walls and safe respawn locations. To exit the building by foot there is a roof exit. The only venerable part of the base is where the bomb spawns. This is the mongoose garage underneath the main structure only accessible by the attackers from the top of the base. There is a shotgun and bubble shield by the bomb spot. If the defenders manage to take the garage they won’t hold it for long.

    Defenders vehicles and weapons:
    Inside the main castle
    Four Gatling gun turrets one on each wall of the castle
    Two ghosts
    One Spartan laser (90 second respawn)
    One power drain
    One bubble shield
    Shotgun and battle rifles

    In the outer courtyard:
    Flame thrower
    Missile pod
    One bubble shield
    Two sets of rockets (45 second respawn)
    One Wraith tank (45 second respawn)

    Keeping the original design in mind there is minimal cover outside the walls but I did build some small bunkers outside the front of the castle, as well as some cover on the sand bank of each side. You will find battle rifles and a plasma grenade. There is also an active camo on the outside at the back of the outer castle wall if the bomb carrier chooses to go on by foot.

    Download Aerial Siege

    Map 4: Siege Castle Heavy:

    The attacker’s base has been altered from the aerial siege which now houses the warthog, mongoose and transport hornet.

    Attacker’s vehicles and weapons:

    One scorpion Tank
    One hornet transport
    One gauss warthog
    Two mongooses

    The base is 98% secure from any defenders offence strategy.

    Vehicle and weapons:
    Inside the main castle:
    Two set of rockets. No spare clips (45 second respawn)
    Two bubble shields (20 second respawn)
    Battle rifle
    Power drain
    Sniper (60 second respawn)
    Spartan laser (90 second respawn)

    Outer courtyard:
    Brute shot
    Missile pod (30 second respawn)
    Flamethrower (10 second respawn)

    Defender will respawn inside the castle at all time but good cover is provided both inside and in the outer courtyard. Only one outer wall pedestrian entrance has been opened up.

    Changes to map include a bunker between the two bases hiding an active camo and a sword

    Download Siege Castle Heavy

    Game variants for all maps:
    One Bomb
    One Flag
    Team Slayer

    I hope you enjoy. It took me a while creating this post so I hope all of the information for each map is correct at time of posting. I was up till 4am tweaking the maps and working on this post so please forgive any errors. I will update an errors you might find within the post or map so any feed back is greatly appreciated.

    *Ultimate SiegeD has the correct link now*

    #1 milarepa, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  2. HumpyPumpySatOnMyGran

    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    omfg this looks epic

    the layout is good, the castle is aeshetically pleasing, gameplay sounds so....interesting and unique

    definite dl but I need more people to get the most out the map, anyone interested?

    GT: IVI I IL IL A R after an analysis of the map then a cheat play (we find ways to make gameplay terrible for others so we can tell you what they are and suggest how to fix them, similar to a map break in puzzles) and il tell you the verdict.

    and at the time of writing, WOT WOT first post baby, man I feel like the King of Sheeba!
  3. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this does look very cool, very nicly forged, the gameplay was alot of fun, personally i didnt find that this had any flaws i really genianly enjoyed this map, also you did put alot of effort in your discription. anyways what you say "chronicles" do you mean there is going to be a series of these styled maps you will produce?
  4. milarepa

    milarepa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm glad you like it. I do have plans to build some more castles on a much grander scale.

    Having downloaded a couple castle designs in the past from the bungie forum they left me a quite disappointed in design and gameplay. I spent alot of time trying to build something that not only is pleasing to look at but can be used in matchmade games. The four variations to this map are to demostrate the versatility of the design.

    I'd love to find some great castles of europe and build scaled replicas if i had the opportunity.
    #4 milarepa, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  5. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    This map looks very well made. When I first saw the drawbridge I was very disapointed, but then I saw the man cannons and that kicks ass. I'd have to play this map to get a better feel for it, but I would have a hard time getting big enough teams to do it justice. Anyways, I hope you make another castle map, this one looks pretty sweet. Good job.
  6. milarepa

    milarepa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I had the same problem finding a large enough party to play on it.. I might place a post in the custom games section. I'll send you a pm when I do.

    My current build is going to be geared towards four on four. One huge castle with several floors.
  7. HumpyPumpySatOnMyGran

    Senior Member

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    Please research Edinburgh or Stirling Castle in Scotland and do that please.

    Il orgasm if you do.
  8. milarepa

    milarepa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have just had a look at them and there amazing castles.

    I think they would be a little difficult to forge due to there size and location. I could try to build on avalance off the cliff but i would have to scale down due to the maximum forged items allowed on a map. I will see if i can find an architects drawing of the site over the few days and get back to you.
  9. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is much, much better than the version you originally posted. Well done on the improvements! I also like how you actually divided it into three different setups, rather than simply eliminating most of the weapons and vehicles. 4.5/5.
  10. milarepa

    milarepa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you Flying dice!

    The good news is I have finished my other castle project. Its a larger castle with more internal rooms and multi level game play. No where is safe in Repa Castle.

    Created for four on four matches instead of btb. If i get time i will post it over the next couple of days.
    #10 milarepa, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  11. jday1235

    jday1235 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice job i looked at it but in my opinion the areial thing might not be to easy for the defenders
  12. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    looks like quiet fun, maybe you do a version 2 and edit your map a little bit that the defenders got some more chances. but overall i like it.
  13. milarepa

    milarepa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ultimate Siege 1 and 2 are the updated version. they have been designed with alot of ideas suggested in my original post in casual forged maps from people wanting more tactics and stratergy and less of a heavy weapon pown fest. I kept reducing what was available on the map until i came up with the final four variations.

    Thats was the idea lolol
    Aerial siege and Siege Castle are more for the fun factor.

    The good news is I finished the first draft of Repa Castle. Its very different from this design as it was a much more complicated build from the offset. I was trying to build something with lots of internal rooms and corridors which all interlinked together. Coming soon

    #13 milarepa, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009

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