Tactical Warfare [TW] Calling all gamers looking for an exceptional clan! Tactical warfare is a multi-gaming clan that originated in 2004. Since then we have been very successful in bringing together like-minded gamers from all over the place. To give you a summary of the clan... -We support north american/south american gamers in addition to european gamers -We support 11+ game franchises that are always being changed and updated so that we always cover the newest and best competitive games available -We support PC, PS3, and X360 platforms -We have over 1300+ active gamers -We have a very active forums that we utilize to perfrom most of our operations -We have a military based structure which is one of the main reasons our clan is very organized and structured -We are a professional clan that provides a competitive enivroment -We have a friendly community full of skilled players -MLG/GB isn't for everyone that's why whether your a casual gamer looking for a good group of gamers to play with or a very competitive gamer looking to go rise to the top of the ladders, TW is for you. For the more competitive players: our clan is currently top page (15th) in TL and and finished 11th last winter season barely missing the cutoff for top ten. We are pushing to finish top ten for the summer season and if there's any exceptional talent out there, join us and hopefully you can contribute to our top ten finish. If your not as competitive, don't worry, we have many other squad for all different levels of players . -TW is a bunch of fun, of course! -We have a great rewards system that offers various ranks, medals, and awards for your service and dedication to TW -Our staff are helpful, friendly, and are a big part of why our clan is so successful -If you become a true TW fan, our store has a bunch of cool options such as various apparel and houseware, to show your support -Our enforced set of rules and regulations keeps the clan under control and is beneficial to the well-being of the clan and it's players -Earn respect and gain your clan members admiration as you rise through the ranks! -TW has made many great accomplishments. Many times our compeitive squad (CS) teams have been top page even in the most competitive team ladders. -For those of you who are into sports games, TW is a branch of Tactical Gaming [TG] which also has a branch for sport games, Tactical Sports [TS] Any questions or comments feel free to ask To signup today visit <tw.tghq.org> But please remember to put "TG Eulogy" as the referer! Thanks If you end up joining TW please leave your username (The callsign you have signed up with) here. To visit our main parent site please visit <tghq.org> for information!
If you end up registering please give me your username you signed up with. And if you have any questions feel free to ask and remember to put me as referer
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ok my bad. And o Korupted o i saw you on the forums, i wwas going to send a PM but i have to wait til your account gets vaildated which is usually in less than a day. Buy i can't seem to find your validating account (it would have been approved by now). did you delete it. ok my bad. And o Korupted o i saw you on the forums, i wwas going to send a PM but i have to wait til your account gets vaildated which is usually in less than a day. Buy i can't seem to find your validating account (it would have been approved by now). did you delete it.
It isn't a KSI knock-off at all. we have been around since 2004 and all of our system, structure, ect. is original and was started by us. there is plenty of TW knock-offs out there lol. bump...