When did you get you capture card fixed. Interesting film drain effects but clips were kind of lacking in my opinion. If you want I got some good clips and it could be a dualtage.
Yea I agree with Thorax, its ok, but it does feel lacking in some great clips. I love the choice of music though. Idk, mixed with the grainy look, it really felt and looked great like that.
This was just a little preview of whats to come. I dont have nearly enough clips yet so thorax i might take you up on that offer. And i got my capture card fixed about 2 months ago.
First of all, the effects just gave me brain cancer. Secondly, If it were done, I would have moved on in 30 seconds. It's boring. Music still sucks.
brutally harsh for what reason? This was a themed preview the final version will be straight clips, no effect and better music. The music went with the effect i wanted to use so, go along with it man...
Snipers were cool, but not as good as my 1337 skills (as my yt comment says). lol I like how use used confuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse ray to get a riot.
Get a new theme, the theme for that video made me puke. I hate the old timey colors and the music was just terrible. Get some music that will get people pumped it and interested in your video. Also get some cooler transitions and better colors.
You can do BnW but dont do Film, it makes it look like a 'newb' put it together. As for the clips, you got lucky on one or two of them, but i do know you will pull it together by the time its done.
Do like a black and white version and once you showed an epic multi kill show it again in slow motion and when he takes the sniper shots make them like a flash of color, not that would be cool.
please put them in color and the old time effect really irritates me, also you need alot more clips with multicils even in your preview becaud from that all your gettin is no scopes, sticks and an assassination, which isnt the best at all