Confusion By: Sticky32 Confusion is a small, rather confusing map that is essentioally a lage pit with walkways around it on 3 different levels. I have play tested this several times and gotten nothing but positive feedback. I deccided that its finnaly time i post this map here, made it months ago, and the original about a year ago. This is made for 2-4 player free for all, however for a very chaotic game play with with 5-8 players(this makes it a lot funner.) This map is litered with ammo and equipment that is just right for chaotic gameplay however there are no armorys and the reaspawns on power weapons and the cammo are very high to never and they are, what i like to call hidden in plain sight. Pictures: The main pit The pit from another angle (tele-door goes to the tele on the bridge) Main stairs (tele-door on second floor to the right(off-screen) goes to tele on bridge in above pic) Top corridoor Bottom corridoor Sword spawn(looking into bottom of pit) Bottom tele-door(goes to top) veiw from in from of Top tele-door(goes to bottom) at an angle Enjoy the video, sorry if there is an error, it was just uploded and may not be completed yet. YouTube - Confusion If you like it please download, play, comment, rate, the ussual bs. thx Download Here Use with any slayer/teamslayer/oddball game varient of your choice. AR/smg spawns recommended.
Map aesthetically isn't too bad, I like how a lot of the weapons are hanging from the walls. Multi levels are always good, although being on the lower levels will put you at risk from grenades. Also, the video can only be seen for me when I'm on the youtube page... not sure if this only for me. It keeps saying an error has occurred. Other than that, good job and get your pics up soon. Also, you may want to give a weapons list, I saw a lot of power weapons, and I'm really not so sure about them. NO ONE ELSE COMMENT ON HIS PICTURES
Personally I think it is a very good map, the only thing I don't really like is the spawns. You spawn right next to someone in the beginning and you also spawned and assassinated someone, so... yeah. Fix the spawns, and then you got a good map. I like, 4/5.