SkeletonCreek 3Description: An old abandoned creek used by early spartans to hone their skills Here it is, the third and final of the Skeleton Creeks. I had fun making it and hope you enjoy it. Recammended players: 2v2-4v4, 5v5 is ok Recammended gametypes:Team Slayer,Team BRs, FFA, MLG YouTube - skeletoncreek 3 Hope you enjoy, had fun making it. Download
this map looks pretty sweet, i like all the wooden bridgesand those small tunnels, i do think that more pictures would be better, but thats up to you
You must be crazy to think this map can support 5v5, or even 4v4. No question its a good map, but not for largers or even ,medium sized teams. It looks like 2v2 or 5 player FFA would be nice. It's a very good map though, very good.
Way to go and spam. Anyways, this is good map and I do agree that this map could not play adequetely with more than five or six at a time. With 4v4 spawn killing would ensue, and with 5v5 it would be unbearable. Otherwise it looks amazing and plays well with a small party. Pretty darned good job, keep it up.
5v5? Doubt it. Even the 2v2 looked somewhat close quartered. Judging from the video, the spawn points were in very odd places and facing in weird directions. I didn't see that much even flow throughout the map, and was very jumpy. I'll take a 2v2 on it as well, and post later with a review of it.
You could use the tin cups as the creek, I think that would make it look better. Also, is it symmetrical? This map does look better than some maps I have seen that have been featured. Good work. Also one more thing, how many different tunnels are there? 5/5.
Dude I love this along with all the other skeleton creek variations (I have 2 of them). Maybe you should make a larger one though and on sandbox you should be able to. I love your maps but I don't like playing in small parties. P.S. Hit me up if you wanna help me out with any of my maps. I've never forged with someone else but your work is so legit.
wow man great map. I really like how you put all those mounds on the floor throught the whole map. You dont see many maps that have that today. Overall I think it looks like a very fun asymetrical map. Maybe just include a little more description. I think its fine though , the video explains alot.
I bet you haven't played the mp have you? Once again, judging from pictures, not playing it.... There is a lot of spam post in this thread. But that's not why I'm posting. Here's my review. We played a game of MLG TS 2v2 up to 25. Layout: -Random (No central theme, although themes are not entirely necessary) -Very squished -To many jumping Weapon Placement: - Rockets didn't fit such a small map -Sniper wasn't used once and weren't worth the hassle to get -Invis didn't work, the guy would kill someone and then would be spotted IMMEDIATELY Spawns: -Awkwardly placed -spawned in same place all the time -spawn camping was achievable (Use of rockets made it easier) Flow: -A lot of the map was unused -Jumping waaaayyy to much -Constant spawn camps Overall: 3/10
I bet you really don't have a good sense of judgement do you? I really do like this map, and my and the other guys posts aren't spam because we actually like the map. -although, yes it could use improvements on spawns, they are perfectly FINE and workable. -your issues during gameplay isn't his or anybody elses fault. If you get camo, go kill someone, and hide... Duh