Sandbox Interrim

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SargeantNinja, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. SargeantNinja

    SargeantNinja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I N T E R R I M
    Created by SargeantNinja

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer King (included with download)

    Map Description
    A nearly symmetrical map good for team slayer games.

    Gametype Information
    Teams get 0 points for being in the hill, but lose 3 points per second for being out of it.
    Kills are +2 points.


    Base 1

    Base 2

    Aerial View

    Bubble Shield Spawn

    Corner View

    Middle Tower View

    This is my first real map. Constructive criticism please?

    Download Interrim
    Download Slayer King
    #1 SargeantNinja, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  2. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    I understand the hill thing but the 10 point deduction is very heavy. If someone was knocked out of the map by a grenade in a close game, then that team loses. Try making a bigger hill area and less of a deduction. That or you could just make a wall. This would give your map an aesthetic touch and be a gameplay aspect with grenades bouncing on walls. The map itself is made pretty well. I like the shape. It could use more, though. Try making bridges to connect certain places. Two ghosts is way too much for this map to be honest. One ghost really wouldn't work out well. Remove the ghosts, modify the boundaries, and just add a little more. Great job for a first post, though.
  3. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    This is pretty good for your first map, so good job. Just some minor things are that the walls used in the bases and center structure are a little crooked/sloppy and should be cleaned up (merge them for realigning). Also, (like he said above) I understand what you're going for with the slayer king, but -10 per sec. outside is a little harsh. Considering there's ghosts, someone could likely end up out of the hill pretty easily, pretty much causing a loss for whichever team gets knocked out at the -10 per sec. setting. Eh 6/10 I think. If you fixed those other things (especially the hill), I'd say 7 or 7.5/10. I wouldn't push it up to anything higher due to the fact that this map is pretty small, and probably didn't take very long to construct compared to higher rated maps.
    #3 Action Jacksson, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  4. SargeantNinja

    SargeantNinja Ancient
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    Thanks for the suggestions!
    Yeah, I noticed that some things were crooked, but I couldn't fix them.
    Does anyone know how to make the outide-of-hill penalty death?
  5. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    That would be called the skybubble lol
  6. SargeantNinja

    SargeantNinja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dang. I guess I'll have to do a skybubble remake.
  7. AlbinoFruitcake

    AlbinoFruitcake Ancient
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    i like the map alot, but the hill thing is kinda harsh.
    perhaps making every second off the hill minus 1 point and every kill be like 5 points, so 5 seconds off looses your team 1 kill.
  8. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    Yea I wouldn't do that lol. People will abuse that. 5 seconds is more than you think, and every kill being 5 points messes things up in terms of suicide, betrayal, and other penalties.
  9. SargeantNinja

    SargeantNinja Ancient
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    Gametype edited to -3 outside hill, +2 per kill. 100 points to win.
    I will perfect this map and come out with V2 soon.
  10. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    You should have probably had it built in the skybubble in the first place if you wanted this, but it can be achieved. You could make walls around the outside of the map and put killballs in the corners to have more of a challenge. Also you could make almost an alleyway that is made up of teleporters that lead to their doom. Those are just my suggestions to this type of game, which in my perspective is pretty good. One thing that i could see happening though would be people just killing each other and hardly anyone going outside the hill. Other than that the idea is there, but it could use some tweaking
  11. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Personally, I wouldn't use killballs. They're obnoxious and a bad idea.

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