This map is a small city-scape type of map with bigteam play in mind. There are many of little details that assist gameplay from the three story main building to the 2-floor parkade with drainage tunnel. The map is VERY asymetrical, but fair to both sides. *Edit* I guess I can add a few more details. The teleport takes you to the top of the base (to add access), but is a one-way teleporter. The map is also setup in such a manner that its easy to GET to the defensive building (from the attackers start), but limited access to return home with your prize. Alot of people have said they enjoyed this map, I hope some of you give it a try. Gameplay rocks on 4v4 snipers and bigteam (6-8/team) one bomb/flag. It is also set-up for vip, but never tested on that setting. The Gophers have been helping me test this map for the past few days and many improvements have already been made. Hope you like it! YouTube - Park it flythrough Weapons: Battle rifle x4 Carbine x1 Needler x1 Rocket x1 Plasmas & frags Shotgun x 1 Sniper x 1 Bruteshot x 1 All above are available on each side for each team Smg x 1 Plasma Rifle x 1 Spiker x 2 Battle rifle x 2 All above are found elsewhere in the map Gauss Warthog x 1 (Defensive) Mongoose x 2 (Parkade) Mongoose x 1 (Defensive) Warthog x 1 (Parkade) Ghost x 1 (Parkade) Download here: : Halo 3 File Details My ms paint overview Building 1 - Defensive building Building 2 - Building #2 Building 3 - Parkade Building 4 - Attackers outpost Building 5 - Warehouse (under construction) Building 6 - Hut Building 7 - Shack Actual Overview (couldn't fit entire map in pic.... Crypt ceiling stops that) Front floor1 door of Defensive building Bridge enterance floor2 of Defensive building Alley behind Defensive building and rear floor1 enterance Rooftop of the Defensive building (Attackers can access roof by sender teleport in other corner, shown in pic) The building connected to the Defensive building by the bridge The Parkade Top floor overview The Parkade lower floor The storm-drainage enterance located in the lower Parkade Other side of the drainage tunnel & the back alley Attackers outpost Warehouse (under construction) The hut (used as cover and as a jumping point to the teleporter) The shack in front of the attackers outpost (used as cover and houses the defensive rocket)
I wouldn't call this map small lol, check out some of my maps if ya wanna see small! Lol, i lik the lok of this, I will download and check out the gameplay, looks really nice though!
thanks bro! 356 people have looked at this map and you're the first comment! I was starting to lose faith in Forgehub as a place to get decent map feedback.
I know, I was abit suprised when i saw like 300 views and no comments lol! Well its a great map guys!
It looks pretty good. I love the use of the tin cups' poles in this map with the storm drain and all. The only thing I have to add is that the bridge enterance to the defensive building appears a little sketchy. According to your picture, it's supposed to be crooked, but I can easily imagine other people thinking that it was an accident, especially because some of the merges you used on the door to that building from that enterance seem a bit sloppy. But good job overall. 4/5
This is pretty cool. The layout is very nice and vehicle friendly. When I saw the weapon and vehicle list, I could tell that it would be a bit overpowered. Try removing the gauss warthog, it seems so out of place and really doesn't work for the crypt. This would add more balance. Overall very nice map, keep it up.
I could have sworn that i have seen this map somewhere. If you stole this map...(I just checked-he didn't-I saw it on XForgery so i got it confused) Other than that, it is pretty basic and has a simple yet effective weapon layout. The map itself looks pretty balanced too. The interlocking is really clean and the drain is ultimately...well drainy? Overall, 4.3/5
The gauss warthog is a good part of this map. Because the map has many turns and hiding spots, the regular hog isn't as efficient at killing. I also only gave the defenders the gauss hog because I wanted it to be a challenge to get the flag and to return home with it. With the rockets, bruteshots, stickies, turret, frags, energy drainer and plasma pistol, there is plenty to take on the one gauss. I also have the re-spawn at 180 on it, so in a 5 minute round, you're only gonna have to kill it once, maybe twice. I have lots of budget and oln is no issue, so I am looking for some suggestions to improve this map. I was thinking about adding another building, but I want to here if any of the experienced forgers here have any suggestions. Thanks. *edit* ya TFx KiLl3r, you're right, this map isn't THAT small! lol