Integrity V2 Download The weapons on this map are: ~6 BRs-2 in each base one on either side of center structure ~2 ARs-On the ground in front of two out of four of the Mongooses ~2 Snipers-1 in each of the towers coming out from each base ~1 Spartan Laser-Top of the center tower ~1 Energy Sword-Bottom of the center tower ~2 Brute Shots-In front of the Mongooses (the ones w/o the ARs obviously) ~2 Needlers-In the entrance tunnel to each base ~2 OVs-Right (and i mean right!) outside the front entrace to each base ~2 Bubble Shields-Inside each base on the left or right side ~2 Power Drains-Inside each base on the opposite side as the bubble shield ~2 Plamsa Rifles-1 on the other side of each wall by the OS's ~2 SMGs-1 right next to each Plamsa Rifle ~8 Plasma Grenades-2 in each base, 1 laying underneath each of the half walls in the middle ~4 Spike Grenades-2 next to each BR located near the center structure ~4 Frag Grenades-1 near each wall perpendicular to the wall w/ the OVs ~4 Mongooses (geese? I don't know lol)-Each corner of the open part of the map Suitable Gametypes are: ~Slayer ~CTF ~Oddball ~KOTH ~2-8 players reccomended Screenshots: Overview Red Base (Blue's the same) Overshield Spawn Into the Base Mancannon Use/Sniper Spawn Center Tower Laser Spawn Sword Spawn (Under Laser) Teleporter To Sniper "Tower" View From Said "Tower" Side Tube Entrance Side Tube Exit Both of the bases are exactly alike feature wise. I'm not saying you could split the map down the middle and have a perfect match up. I hope you consider downloading. Thanks please give feedback! Download
2.5/5 Ok there's a few things you may want to fix: The stacked double boxes are uneven at the bases. The tubes leading to the mongooses (or mongeese, whatever) should probably be made even with the ground they reach out to. The inverted stone platform on the center base is very crooked. The half walls across the center of the map are very very crooked. Also, the bases seem a little too simple and plain, along with the structures throughout the center of the map. This normally isn't a bad thing, but my point is that they seem hard to use tactically--you need to add more cover in the center.
Ok, but realize that you've gotta go with what looks good. You can't explain that when someone downloads your map and doesn't like the tubes.
well not everybody's going to like every part i cant say to the people who like the tubes "thanks for liking that part" lol
You know what I mean. And your goal should be to get everyone to like every part. I'm certain it would be better to at least use ramps from the inside of the tubes to the outside to make it smooth. Same with the ledge in front of the mongeese.