Gearbox actually did really well on Halo 1 PC, I have to congratulate them. TBH, I'd rather have them make Halo 3 PC than that other trash company that did Halo 2 Vista.
Who remembers that interview seen almost a year ago with a Bungie Employee, or someone of relation. They mentioned (or at least hinted) to a 3rd person tactical shooter? Well, looking at the "Spartans" at the bottom of the Reach site makes me wonder if this is not that game? I see 5 distinctly shaped Spartans, a possible squad. A Heavy, a Female, 2 Normal Guys, and a Sniper. I know I'm just speculating, but seems like a major possibility.
Wasn't halo originally a 3rd Person shooter? If so they may be trying to return to their roots, and to be fair, it sounds like a good direction to take the Halo series. Could be fun
this is incorrect as far as ive read... What the deal is actually that if you buy ODST, that will be your ticket in for when they release the beta of Reach.
This game looks to be based on when the Covenant invaded Reach, first sighted on SlipSpace probes at around 0447 hours, August 30, 2552 by the Fermion Remote Sensing Station. For those of you not familiar with the Halo novel: The Fall of Reach: here is a briefing on what's happening at the time. Around this time, Spartan II's are plentiful. Reach has come under attack and all ships in-system are ordered to defend Reach. The humans' most powerful asset, twenty "Super MAC" orbital guns, can obliterate Covenant ships with a single well-placed shot. These orbital guns are powered by fusion reactors deep within Reach. The Pillar of Autumn, with all of the Spartan II's on board, makes it to the engagement. The majority of the Spartans are sent topside to protect the fusion reactors from the Covenant ground invasion. Master Chief, along with two other Spartans, board a space dock in the effort to destroy a navigation database to prevent the Covenant from finding Earth. One Spartan is lost to an explosive thruster pack, and the other is burned down by plasma fire in the space dock. This leaves Spartan 117 as the only remaining Spartan, as the Spartans on Reach were killed when the Covenant glassed the entire planet. I'm good.
Not that this has to do with Reach but if bungie was making a bussiness decision, I think they should make a game that features fps (what they are good at) and a level designer compatible with computer design to design levels. This would bring level design and community to new heights although it might be advertising to only a small field. Anyway, I can hope.
yep. i read fall of reach. EPIC. go read it yourself though. my explanation of it wont be as good as reading it of course.
This looks good, no telling what kind of game it is though. also I thought Bungie said they were tired of halo and wanted to move on with new IPs. wtf! id rather see a new game then halo. So lets break it down. Halo CE, 2 ,3 , ODST are all FPS Halo Wars-RTS Halo Chronicles-Interactive movie type project So whats left? They could be doing an Xbox 360 MMO which seems like the final frontier for Bungie and the xbox 360. Yeah PSU and FF whatever are ok but not that good. So im really hoping this an MMO for the 360
well yeah because Microsoft owns it and it rakes in the money. oh btw- in EDGE magazine there was a little article about how MS put an ad for someone to be part of developing "a new halo experience". does this have anything to do with Reach? Since bungie is devving it then i think not.
Well you won't see GTA dying for a while either, neither did any of Nintendo's series. I don't think halo is as milked as those.
there is really no way i can know the answer to that without more context. you are absolutely correct. its just not worth killing.
Yeah I think its so stupid that Nintendo keeps releasing the same bullcrap games Mario,Zelda,Metroid over and over and stupid nintendo fans keep buying the same games with different gimmicks. I pray halo doesnt go down that road.
Isn't that what I said? Perhaps I implied it was released the same day... which is unknown at the moment. Crackdown had a code for the Halo 3 beta which was opened only a few days after the game was released (I believe). But they might give us time to sink our teeth into ODST before opening the beta. Now the title says Halo Reach: Falls 2010, so I don't think it's implying a Fall 2010 release date, even though thats most likely when it'll be released.
that is indeed likely as for a release date. i was wondering whether they meant falls as in 'comes out 2010' or if they just misspelled 'fall 2010'. and yes a beta code for Halo 3 did come out with crackdown.