Important! READ! This is not a copy of Grifball. The word ball comes from the plasma grenades. It is named after a character named Toby in my H3 machinima. If you want a link to the episodes send me a message. - Leader (Yellow) is Toby - Elite geting pwned - Goodbye CPT KANE1991 - A wide angled shot of the Toby Dome. RULES! 1. You Can Only Stick People (You don't get any points for killing with melee,assasination, or using your gun, so just don't). 2. Don't be a noob and try to get the custom powerup's they are only there for show. You can't get them. 3. Don't take credit for making this. The map was made specifically for this gametype. I Will post later with a YouTube Video. Download The Map Download The Gametype
Re: New Game: Tobyball That dome thing looks freaking sweet. Even without a game type this would get a 10/10 from me
Looks ridiculous! THe only reason I think this is cool is because of the map itself. Otherwise, Tobyball isn't very origional...
Ok. Before people start saying it isn't original. I know. I went into a party and they were playing a game of sticky's and I thought it was fun. So I thought hmmm how can I incorporate that into a funner gametype and make it better. This is how I did it. I know the gametype isn't completely original, but some of it is. Ok
No it wasn't premade me and my friend LeeringPaladin worked on this for a while. Maybe someone stole it I don't know. But All I know is we made it.
Thats why, the real map has 3495 downloads, and was created March 8th and "your" map has 3 downloads and was created 20 days later on the 28th We all believe that you made it though.....Not