I have had this map made for awhile now, and well, just decided to share with you guys and see what you think of it. =) Story- AN abandoned warehouse is discovered in lost records dating back to 2535, A squad of UNSC marines are sent to recover (if any) resources and/or documents. You are one of the marines on the trip, You land on a ghost town in the epsilon-indi system. Your pelican departs, and you are left to wonder and look for artifacts with you your team, but then you hear a yell of one of your teammates. You look in the direction of the screaming and see a distorted silouette of what looks to be a upright creature, but certainly not a man, holding your teamate by the neck, it then runs off into the distance. You grab you magnum and look for any cover you can find, and try to hold it out until your pickup arrives. Gametype- Traxus Virus Map- Warehouse #1 Gametype Limited ammo for humans, unlimited for zombies. Gametype is equal for both sides, I just cant remember the traits. =( I haven't been on halo3 for about two weeks, so I will edit this soon and post zombie traits/human traits. Map- This an overview of the map. The center is supposed to resemble a generator, the zombie spawns inside, and a mancannon spawns to let him out at 30 seconds into the game. There are four open single boxes with shield doors on them around the structure, this is where infected people spawn. inside a building, you can move the crate to block a doorway, and on the shaft there is a floting crate held up by a grav lift, it moves at 60 sec when a mancannon spawns. You will have to play the map to understand. another part of the map, there are weapons hidden around the map. There is a shotgun in this picture, can you find it? This is another part of the map. On the bottom building there are barrels you can use to block the doorway. on top, there isa crate that will move when a mancannon spawns. mancannons will not affect movement in any way. The crate that moves Another part of the map The bottom hallway The wall spawns at 45 secs to block entrance. There are barriers at top where zombies can enter. Mancannon spawns to move crate. the shaft is not blocked, and there is a trip mine in the hallway. An outpost, there is a sniper on the lamp, and one br on leaning on a barrier. inside of a structure, there is a mauler to the left, and a barrel to close the gap. Inside library, mancannon spawns to move the crate, and fusion coils, pallet, and smg to far right out of picture. Mancannons spawn on three sides of the map. one by the grav lift, one in this picture, and one straight across from this picture. A tunnel leading down to the outpost. Light changes and gets darker. The orbs spawn behind the door that is merged with the box.(top mid left) I know there isnt a lot of detail on my description of the map from the pictures, but i havent been on in a while and I will update this. This is a very old map, but the gameplay is good. I dont really expect good criticism because this is a very old map, but dont be to mean or I will cry.
this looks pretty good its looks pretty neat and all I like the layout and the idea and everything but maybe add some weapon stashes and that outpost the bridges look good everything looks good and yeah blah blah blah. 4/5 I can't say much about this map.
Well its one of the more intresting blackout maps. There are some random in the way items i would get rid of. Maybe an overview of what you made might help me get a better idea of the gameplay.
no offence but i do think this map is rather sloppy and a little cluttered, but i will give you some points for creativity not many people try makin maps on balckout that are actually inside the map ive seen some but none ever really turn out all that great so nice try but for me this wasnt the best of maps
This is actually kinda good for a blackout map. Maybe if you straightened out the map a bit more, it could be better. This is a very original map. I am also a little confused on the weapon layout.
While I'm tempted to label this as another camping map, I really can't. It seems as though you actually spent quite a bit of time creating mechanics for the game, and the choice of location actually works out fairly well. In addition, although the weapon layout was a bit unclear, it obviously isn't the typical 'armory' that seems to be the norm. 4/5.
i like how you used part ot the actual map but added in some of your own stuff, and i like the idea of at a certain time in the round the map changes and passageways are made and some are blocked.
Very courageous of u coming out of the foundry sandbox bubble. I personally think it is rather neat considering the map, but it doesn't seem to attract easy gameplay. 4/5.
this looks very creative! 35/50 for game play (judged without actually playing). As for aesthetics 22/50, but thats no a major problem, remember those ols maps on pre dlc?