This is the floor of one room of my new map, and I need some feedback on it. It walks very smoothly, but is it aesthetically pleasing???
Now that I look at it closer, it looks like you set blocks next to each other without interlocking them. Then you interlocked more boxes in between those. Try interlocking the original boxes just a little it. It minimizes flickering while also minimizing pointless boxes.
ALOT of pointless blocks. Just make a couple of rows of em' and interlock those together. It will be alot better looking, I hate when 2 interlocked scenery items seem to flicker alot. It can really mess up the aesthetic point of view of a map. Try and fix it up and show us the finished product.
How many boxes are there in that spot? Try to interlock in very small amounts. That should help. If there is no other way, gameplay>aesthetics.
Personally I believe it can be cleaned up with ways mentioned above. However, if ur map is not specifically 4 aesthetics, it will be fine. It doesn't bother me alot.
the map is half aesthetics, if anyone knows the theme of my normal maps... lol I'm almost done redoing it, will edit this post with new floor