this is the first puzzle type map ive ever made! going to just go to the pics and say info with them. start here is the start of the map (spawn point) it has 3 check points that u can use when u unlock them. skills u must run and jump till u get to the end of this part but its not as easy as it looks! cannon just use the cannon man to get to the next part... ??? u have a deployable cover that u must use somehow to get to the other side... build a bridge and get over it... here useing your deployable covers u must make a bridge and use it to get to the other side but u must b fast or they will blow up under u, they r also easy to fall off so u can use more deployable covers to make it easyer but that uses time. kill ball here u must crouch under the kill ball? check point 1 now u have made it to the first check point! maze here u must jump in the maze then find a way out... kill ball is back! here u need a bubble shield to get to the teleporter but where do u get it from? cheek point 2 jack and the beenstalk! here u must jump your way to the top but the higher u go the harder the jumps get... well heres the beenstalk but wheres jack? check point 3 heres check point 3 and the next part, u must use the over shield to help u get past the falling fusion coils but evern with the over shield its still hard. golf! here u must put your golfing skills to the test, u must get a hole in one to unblock the teleporer. how it all works... the golf ball hits the radio antennae at high speed and that hits it off the receiver node. brute jumps here u must brute shot jump your way over to the next part. hmm? u have to get up to the banshee but how? rocket ship! use the grav lift u just picked up to make a rocket ship. you win! if u get here you no you are a winer! map: : Halo 3 File Details gametype: just make it so u have a low spawn time when u die so u dont have to wait alot from falling...
Hmm, Seems nice. I like the mix of a jumping map, a maze map, and still, a map where you have to think. It would have been nice to have some harder puzzles, and the hints gave away a little to much i think. But good job, for your first puzzle map. 4/5 ?
Oh, so it's a jumping puzzle. Nice work, the beanstalk and rocket ship are very original. I'll have to give this a try. Also, do you have timed completion challenges or something like that?
You spelled check point wrong numerous times, lol. It's not cheek point. The map looks pretty cool i guess, I'm not big on jumping maps but it looks rather well done.
i never really thought about timed completion challenges mainly because i didnt save the films of the few testers that made it so i couldnt really use there times... ill edit post and make a top 5 times thing on it then ill do it and put my time in for a time to beat or something like that... thanks lol im a bad speller
This is not a puzzle map... this is a maze, and a jump map. Don't confuse the two. A puzzle map is where you have a puzzle to solve. A jump map is where you must jump from objective to objective.
Excactly, puzzle maps now a days all seem to have stupid jumping courses in them. Get it right. I'm downloading this but make sure that you know this is not a puzzle.
Lol this looks tight, i'll DL and check out. I like the whole maze deal how it took up the whole crypt but the pictures kinda acted as a bit of a walkthrough for some parts =( next time try to get good shots but not too revealing. all in all i'd give it a 4/5 because its original, the fact you mixed it up in spots so its not just a puzzle but a jumper too. very nice, i like.
Seems like a pretty original jumping/puzzle map. I really like the maze part and the bean stalk lol. I'll give it a dl but for now 4/5.
Actually this map has nothing original, the stupid beanstalk thing, i've seen that a lot, and the rocket ship idea almost everyone knows about, this seems to be the case of every single sandbox puzzle. THEY ALL HAVE NOTHING ORIGINAL!!! Next time you decide to make a real puzze map, msg me.
Overall I like it, but will you please write y-o-u instead of u. it makes it a pain to read. you also shouldn't have given away how to solve the deployable cover puzzle.
Pretty nicely done. The only issue I have is that you give away a bit too much in the hints.. Nothing really innovative, but it isn't bad, either. 4/5.