Thank Jesus MLG Doesn't Have Vehicles (short video)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by master kief, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    Screw Bungie for not fixing this and screw all players that exploit this. It's stupid. MLG is a safe home. BRs and no vehicles, praise the lord!
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    1) We have to download the video? It looks like no one will ever understand you, and no I am not just talking about your senseless babbling.

    2) You seem to just be whining. You declared MLG as your "safe home", so that pretty sums this all up.

    Sorry to seem harsh, but that's 2 strikes against you to even care what this is.
  3. kevinb1231996

    kevinb1231996 Ancient
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    errm why the hell didnt you just use the gravlift?
  4. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    You need to smoke some weed and relax. It's a streaming video.

    Edit: I didn't realize I picked up the grav lift because I was sniping the first guy. Pressing the X button would've solved the problem quickly, yes.
    #4 master kief, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  5. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Smoke some weed and relax?

    your cool.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I had to download the DIVX player, and it wasn't working correctly saying that the video must be downloaded. I fixed the problem, so I was wrong there. However, an Youtube or Vimeo upload would have been far more reasonable still.

    Though I cannot say that it is a good thing for me to watch the video, because now I know you are just whining. I've encountered this problem many times, and have done it many times, and I can say that there is absolutely no need for Bungie to go out of their way to fix this. It's called a strategy, and anyone can do it. Anyone can also surpass it, such as using the grav lift, or chucking a grenade. Really, it isn't that hard to work out. So I stand firm by what I said, you are complaing because you couldn't get that extra flag capture.
  7. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    Obviously. It's frickin' retarded.
  8. Pluvialis Aquila

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    It's a common tactic. You may as well complain about flanking too.
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I've never actually seen that work until now.

    Thanks! Your video proved me wrong!
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Wow. I dunno what you're bashing on about because it said I needed to install additional plugins. I installed them 3 times over and it still won't let me watch the vid.

    Is the vid on YouTube?
  11. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    Absolute fail on your part. Not only did you have a grav lift, but a simple 'nade woulda shifted that sucker, and possibly even provided some cover if you were lucky.
    Somebody doesn't play BTB all that often :p
  12. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    YouTube - Why Non-MLG Halo 3 Flag Games Are Broken And Crappy
  13. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Someone failed to grab the flag that's what I just saw. Halo 3 is a team game not a Rambo game were you can take on all of your opponents at once. Despite my wish for halo 3 to be slightly more competitive. I really don't see the point of the video.
  14. starman208

    starman208 Ancient
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    That's just embarrassing. you could have done something useful so many different ways, but instead you circle it, and, knowing the guy is there, try to drive away while he shoots at you?
    Besides, most of the time that's not even an exploit, its the result of a team member who can't drive.
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This is the most trollish pile of **** I've ever seen in my life.

    I would have got on their turret and killed all the enemies first if I was that stupid as to not move the Warthog straight away. This is why I love non-MLG games, because of the vehicular combat.

    Think of this as a 'tactic' to slow you down from stealing the flag.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Woah there. How is disregarding anything but MLG any worse than sweepingly deriding MLG in the way you just did? I too think of MLG as my safe home, I friggin' hate vehicles, Hogs most of all, but I man up and just move that vehicle with a Grav Lift or Nade, then have run juggling the flag like it was a game of MLG CTF Pit. Not everyone is whiny, and not everyone fails to realise that if you don't want vehicles in a game, don't go into playlists with vehicles in them. I can see how this comes off as an image of MLG, so many of that type gravitate to it. But please, you're an intelligent guy, see the true MLG fan as those that love the game as a sport, love watching the epitome of skill at events, and those that enjoy really competitive Halo yet don't use it as an excuse to be assholes, instead of just seeing those guys who use MLG as a badge of honour and care more about their own ego than good, entertaining and skillful Halo team play. The guys who love it for the sport are those who started it, continue to run it (even though there's a question mark over Sepso right now in many eyes), and those who have stuck with it as fans. Please don't dignify these kids who couldn't care less about love of the sport, and only care about how high a number they can show people and say "I am better than you", by classing them as MLG tards. They're just tards, and recognising them as even close to what MLG is actually about at it's heart is giving them too much credit, as well as being a knock at those who really care.
  17. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Rawr! Your BR's no match for my turret bish!
    Still though, why complain about the warthog? Every team gets one and you can always stick to the CQB areas of a map if you don't want to get mowed down by them. It's also really satisfying when you kill one.
    #17 EpicFishFingers, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I lol'd, quite hard tbh :p.

    Yeah, it is a good point. I mean, on the basic level, if you really don't want them in a game then don't go in to playlists that include them, simple as. My thing with vehicles isn't so much that I think them unfair in anyway. As you say, both teams get one, so it's automatically fair on that basis, the difference comes in how you use them, which is true with pretty much everything in Halo, stuff like weapons and even structures. For me it's just that I really don't enjoy vehicles, I don't get much enjoyment out of using them, and their high powered nature makes it very frustrating to be killed by them. When I'm playing Standoff heavy and literally can't spawn without being smacked in the face by a Gauss Hog round then it begins to grate. But I realise that this is because my team as a whole isn't working hard enough to take out that threat, not because there's anything wrong with vehicles.

    I'm never gonna enjoy vehicles really, but that doesn't mean I criticise them as somehow stupid or broken. In fact I see their integration in to the gameplay mechanic of Halo as on of it's many marvels, I've never seen a shooter that even comes close to balancing vehicles in to on foot play so well. And you're right about another thing: killing them. Because I dislike vehicles so much from an enjoyment standpoint, and because a Hog is so much more powerful than a lone, on foot Spartan, taking a Hog down when I'm on foot is that bit more satisfying. Jumping over that stupid driver who doesn't know how to do his job and goes for the splatter every time, and then assassinating his gunner and leaving him a little less cocky, it feels goooooood.

    OP, I'd take note of some of the attitudes in here, such as Epic's points, you could really do well to bear them in mind a little more. I too consider the MLG playlist my safe home from the vehicles I dislike so much, but if you do too, then why do you leave it? If you have vehicles so much then why go in to a vehicle-inclusive playlist, then come and whine about it afterwards? There's nothing objectively wrong with vehicle incorporation in Halo, in fact it's done incredibly well. So all it comes down to is enjoyment, and if, like me, you don't enjoy vehicle inculsive games, then don't go in to them. No MM playlist is objectively better or worse than another, they're different and cater to different tastes. Find the ones you enjoy, play them, and don't begrudge others for not all playing exactly what you enjoy in a playlist. If they enjoy it, then it's serving its purpose, and since no one is forcing you to play things you don't like, then why are you complaining?

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