Urban Assault

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Solid Bop, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    download Urban Assault

    Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault, FFA
    Recommended Players: 2-8

    Map Description:

    i used money glitch and interlocking on this map
    A small village once destroyed by the covenant is now being rebuild.
    This map has a few streets and some buildings and a large crane that is rebuilding the village. some buildings are repaired but the building in the middle is still in ruins and only a few walls and stairs are still standing after the war that took place here. this map offers some great spots for a sniper and also enough cover for people who are being sniped.
    in every building is a fusioncoil so you have some chance to kill anyone camping there with a well placed grenade.


    [img width=800 height=450]http://i26.tinypic.com/23m0dpd.jpg[/img]
    Overview part of the map

    [img width=800 height=450]http://i30.tinypic.com/afkms6.jpg[/img]
    the building crane, in the open box below it is the sniper rifle

    [img width=800 height=450]http://i29.tinypic.com/ibkglh.jpg[/img]
    a nice sniper building, you can find the br rifle here too. when you look out of the window here, you can see the building with the shotgun (il show that building on another pic) and a part of the middle building ruins. when you destroy the pallet you will see a hole where you can crouch through and will end up on the alley behind the building.

    [img width=800 height=450]http://i25.tinypic.com/j9o569.jpg[/img]
    i call this building the shotgun building because infront of it you will find.. yeah the shotgun. inside the building is another br rifle. through the window you will see the building i mentioned on the obove picture, from here you can also see a part of the middle building ruins and the street left of it.

    [img width=800 height=450]http://i27.tinypic.com/20z6v6c.jpg[/img]
    another buidling, in this building you will be safe from the first building i noted because the crane blocks their view. you will be able to see a small building in the left corner where red team can come pretty quick after the start of the game because they spawn in the street behind middlebuilding ruins. blue team spawns next to this building on the left behind the barriers. infront of this building is a br rifle.

    [img width=800 height=450]http://i32.tinypic.com/2rp8ozl.jpg[/img]
    the street next to shotgun building and left of middlebuilding ruins. some boxes and a forklift providing cover.

    [img width=800 height=450]http://i31.tinypic.com/nn1qxg.jpg[/img]
    middle building ruins. some walls and stair and a part of the first floor is all that remained. the teleporter leads to the box underneath the crane that holds the sniper rifle.

    [img width=800 height=450]http://i28.tinypic.com/11ke4pc.jpg[/img]
    street behind middle building ruins. this is where red team spawns at start of the game.

    [img width=800 height=450]http://i31.tinypic.com/v6q9v4.jpg[/img]
    the street infront of middle building ruins. this is also where the crane stands and shotgun building in the corner.


    Not the best of quality.. i dont own a capturecard sadly enough..



    Battle Rifle
    Rocket Launcher
    Sniper Rifle
    Plasma Rifle
    Energy Sword

    Frag Grenade
    Plasma Grenade
    Spike Grenade

    Power Ups & Deployable tools:

    Active Camo
    Bubble Shield
    Power Drain

    P.S: i have the same map but removed all weapons,powerups and deployable tools specially made for TEAM SWAT on my fileshare incase somebody would like to have that aswell. but i didnt want to post the same map twice..

    Senior Member

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    good job with the interlocking. and the layout looks pretty original. well done.
  3. Ice Wolf 212

    Ice Wolf 212 Ancient
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    This does look like a pretty good map, the pictures were alright but the video definitley showed cool parts in more detail, it captured my attention a lot more. Good job.
  4. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I have qued this one, I hope it plays as well as I think, and judging by the presentation and video, signs point yes.
  5. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    it looks very well done and i can see that most of it has been interlocked which i like, also it does look a tad messy but i guess that comes with the urban feel. realy like the look of your crane aswell, just wondering is it suicide going up there?

    i will d/l when i get my xbox back (RRoD) and see if i can find anything that should be updated.
  6. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    actually the crane is more for show and cover. i was thinking about it making it possible to get up there, but since its on blue teams side that would give them a bit to much advantich (lol probably didnt write that good)
    because it would have a godlike view over the map. you can get in the box though that is floating underneath it (you will have to imagine a cable from box to crane yourself here lol)
  7. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Nice interlocking!
  8. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    Awesomeness dude this is another original "not looking like foundry map" congrats you get a purple star hooray! Good job. I especially like the crane and the shotgun building. =D
  9. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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  10. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I loved this map. Srsly, everyone needs to try out this map. The crane is a landmark like the windmill in Zanzibar, that big statue in Gemini, the tall towers on Valhalla. I will never forget this map, and I hope to trick a lot of people into playing and liking it.
  11. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    I agree with kapura, and I love the complexity of this map... Get your post up to a hundred with some well thought out comments and apply for guilder, you obviously have the talent to do so....

  12. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    I'm not sure why, but this map reminds me of a COD4 map...
  13. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    oh that must be coincidence because i didnt take a cod map in mind at all when i made this
    but what reminds you then... because its urban?? i played cod a few times online but i dont remember a map like this at all.. anyway thanks for the nice comments an about becoming signing up for guilder..i dont know maybe il try it someday but i just like to make maps,learn from it to become better at it each map and enjoy it if people like them.
  14. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    Please please PLEASE man, work on the gameplay for this map.

    It looks fantastic, but the gameplay just isnt there.

    I suggest maybe more access points to each building. The game just seemed so linear when we played.

    This map looks great, with better gameplay it will be my favorite map.
  15. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    ok thanks! i will see what i can do to make that possible, but pls tel me more on what didnt seem right.. i dont think i should change allot more then maybe some more acces points to some of the buildings like you said because in te streets you got plenty of ways to go because of the middle part with enough doorways to the other streets. and since i didnt hear anyone else about this and suggesting they played it.
    but anyway ive been trying some stuff out in forge now, like shotgun building at the side where the fencewalls are, i made a stairs there into shotgun building that would change gameplay allready a bit i think. then you if you come though that street you have more options to go around the corner, through the street itself,through middle building or by going up through shotgun building + a person sniping in the building will have to watchout 2 doorways where an enemy can come to kick his ass instead of one. also made a another way to reach the "barrier building" (third picture) through the left side by removing a wall there and added some stuff so you could jump inside from the corner of middle building ruins. this provides a person inside the building a very good view over themiddle building but just like the other building 2 doorways to cover instead of one and making him an easier target for grenades that will set of the fusioncoil inside. i defenitly dont want to make a entrance at the front of this building because that will screw up the whole look of this building which i dont want + if you destroy the pallet you will allready find a way to sneak to the back of the building to enter it. tell me what you think about this if you think this will better or screw up the gameplay?
  16. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I recently played this map and liked it very much. It is one of my top forge maps, it just seemed so original and creative. Good job.
  17. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    wow man i mean really thats great im so glad you like it so much. so do you think i need to change things or did the gameplay felt right for you, because i havnt played the map myself with lots of people so far. i dont wonna change things before im absolutley sure its realy needs to be done.
  18. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Dude, I don't think you need to change a thing. This is so fun, and getting on top of the crane is the best part. You made a level that doesn't really feel like Foundry, so no need for change.
  19. Comrade172

    Comrade172 Ancient
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    The crane is the best thing to ever happen to an urban map. And the rest of the map looks well made. Good job!!!
  20. Sgt Grabow

    Sgt Grabow Ancient
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    Looks Nice, I love the Urban kinds of maps. I'm working on a map kinda like this except its in the middle of the war. The covenant hold part of the town which is nearly demolished and is being replaced with covie items. The other half is nearly destroyed. looks like a tornado hit it. good job down loading as we speak.

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