wow... that came out horrible, humans (in a balanced game) are the ones who need teamwork. It amazes me that infection is still one of the most played custom games even though it is so unbalanced and unfun. I prefer bungies variants to most custom variants. they'r generally pretty balanced(except for creeping death (shudder))
Living Dead is a good and bad playlist. BAD: Noobs who team kill you b/c you are enemies for 2 secs at the start Noobs who camp Noobs who complain, whine , and betray because they suck at halo Noobs who kill others for the warthog/ mongoose/ ghost Good: All around fun gametypes (except Creeping Death/Creeping Rockets) Great Times, double EXP Meet with some decent people in the higher levels (Notice there is more bad than good) Peace, a mutant hobo
Chances are that it won't get many downloads. I'm strictly an infection player. I got tired of matchmaking because of the players there... and betrayal is usually turned on. Majority of infection games are a joke. I actually wrote a blog in regards to my opinion on it. The custom infection games I create all have normal zombies with at least 150 Damage Resistance. Alpha zombies are generally more powerful. I don't care for this instant kill crap, but a zombie should die at point blank range with a shotgun. I also usually change scoring settings so that zombies get 2 points per kill. One major issue most infection games have is the ability for humans to spawn kill. That's a complete turnoff for me. I suggest that if people get into these unfair infection games, they should give a bad review to the party leader who set that game up. If people start seeing their rep go down, they may think twice about setting up those crap games. It's what some of my friends and I do.
all of the reasons above are why most of the time i make my infection games 1 life zombie zombie very powerful but locked down due to 1 reason or another humans have to wait and survive to get to next round or for way to kill zombie last man has higher chance of killing zombie this way i find it makes a funner game type