Zp2k9 download this game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZANDER1994, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I'm one of those kind of guys that really doesn't buy crap from the marketplace. In fact, the only purchases I have ever made from live up till two days ago was map packs. ZP2K9 changed all of that.
    I swear to god, this is probably the most fun I have ever had on my xbox while not playing a disk game. In fact, I've had more fun playing this game, than many if not most of my disk games. The game reminds me of Super Smash Bros. but with guns. You are stranded on a battle arena in which you can either knock your opponents off of, or kill. It's kind of like worms, but without destructible environments or turns to take. The weapons are easy to use, amazingly unique and cool looking, and all around fun. You can carry 4 guns and 2 different types of grenads. The d pad switches weapons and the right bumper/trigger toggles nades. You can play capture the flag, which is a pretty cool twist to the genre, team deathmatch, or FFA with up to ten players, or bots+players. The bots are pretty smart, and will beat you alot of the time. There is no campaign, but who really needs that for a fighting game because again, it's like super smash brothers or worms but ONLINE. So, the replayability is pretty good.

    What's the best part?

    Oh yeah it's only 200 microsoft points.

    Download it.
  2. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    YouTube - ZP2K9 Gameplay

    Looks fun from the video. I'll buy it with the extra 200 I have after purchasing Mythic.
    Thanks Zander! =)
  3. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Looks pretty tight. And 200 MP is a lot easier to spend than 800. I'm down. I'll post my feedback in a little bit.
  4. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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    Haha i was the first one to get level 100 :D
  5. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I take it its an indie game?

    Sadfaic. For some reason Im unable to comprehend, Indie games are unavailable in Ireland. Which means Im almost constantly left with 80, 100 or 200 microsoft points and absolutely nothing to spend them on but Avatar crap.
  6. Security

    Security Ancient
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    There's probably no one playing it anyway. This thread is almost 2 years old.
  7. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    The studio released a sequel, ZP2KX. Its an amazing game and a bunch of my friends play it. Well, at least they used to play it. I still play everyonce in a while :p

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