Sandbox Splats

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Esorath, May 30, 2009.

  1. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Ok, this is my first Casual map on sandbox! woo!

    this is NOT set up for any other variant. (so don't complain to me if u try a different variant)

    Weapon list-everything is set to instant respawn
    Rockets x2 looks (like 1 because there are set on same weapon holder)
    Frag, Plasma, Spike, Fire Grenades x2
    Power Drain x2

    Gametype explination.
    Humans and zombies spawn in with plasma pistols, infinite grenades and ammo. Only Zombie is able to get rockets and power drain. Shields are all the same. Weapon pickup is enabled. Man cannons are for loose grenades and lucky sticks. Objects in mid section are for ducking behind to avoid zombie's grenades/rockets/power drain

    Best played with 2-5 players. (1 zombie - 4 banshees)

    This map uses the epic force of gravity to send the zombie flying in the air on the mid-level of sandbox while humans try to splatter them in banshees.

    I have made a gametype (Splatter) that follows this map. It is an infection game type.

    So here's the story. One day me and my friend were messing around on sandbox and we put a two way teleporter at the bottom of the crypt, right under the opening. Then we put one back in the mid-section. my friend fell down the hole, not on purpose, and hit the teleporter . The gravity physics sent him zooming out of the teleporter and into the hands of the guardians.
    Well, I turned teleportes on the sides and we tried it again. Sure enough, he came zooming out, this time striaght into the air. And that's where the inspiration for this map came from. (this works if one falls from a high enough height and into a teleporter, and that person will come out in the direction the teleporter is facing, whether this be straight up or tilted or straight down.)

    SO! what now? Well I have created this map with a zombie starting section in the sky bubble. This one zombie must grab the rockets and starting grenades up there, along with his power drain. Then he steps into his teleporter which drops down the chute into a sender node and then is sent into the air in the middle section. The ground level is laid out with all available two way nodes. These are all set to channel two to attain random pop ups. The humans are geared with their banshees and are trying to splatter the zombie.

    It works best with only 1 zombie, because if there are more then the zombies end up standing on top of one another and messing up the system.
    But is fun no matter what.

    Please try it and tell me what u think. I would have the video of the gameplay, but I lack a capture card. But here are the pictures:

    Zombie Spawn area:

    Mid Level:






    TRY it!

    MAP: : Halo 3 File Details

    GAMETYPE: : Halo 3 File Details

    #1 Esorath, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  2. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    So basically you mixed Bungie jumping with whack-a-mole? It might work, but it looks like it is kitted out for a maximum of five players, so that reduces playability a bit. It could work, though, and until I can playtest, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
  3. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Well, I was going to add Hornets, but the ability to simply hover over the teleporters killed this idea.
    "Bungie-Jumping?" I was not aware that this was already invented but will admit that I really did not look into it. I did not look into a wack-a-mole game either. This was all my thought process, without outside influences.
    I appreciate the benefit of the doubt becuase my friends and I play this for games and games.
  4. kevinb1231996

    kevinb1231996 Ancient
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    hmm this looks like it could be fun, but im unsure of the teleporter system, can the zombies just camp on the main level?
  5. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    it also sets up great for sniper practice...just have guest controller and have the dummy sent into the teleporter and he'll be bouncing around for you to snip

    it's true that the zombies could camp up there, thats why i put it on casual maps, the honor code should be followed

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